TP-Link Archer C7

Change TP-Link Archer C7 Default Login and Password

Since, security of a network Is Essential, the very first and foremost job is to change the TP-Link Archer C7 router Default Login and Password to a more private and protected

Here is the steps:

• Search for - Advanced(found at the menu bar at the top of webpage ), and click on it

• Search for System Tools(found at the left hand side menu bar), and click on it

• Look for - Control (found in the left hand side menu bar), and click on it

• Search for - Account Management, and then click on it

Change TP-Link Archer C7 Default Password and Wifi name

Another little tip (since it doesn't have any impact on safety ), would be to modify the TP-Link Archer C7 Default Wifi name (SSID) as it'll make it more obvious for other people to know which network they're linking to.


• Search for - Basic(found at the menu bar near the top of page), and then click on it

• Look on - Wireless(located in the left hand side bar), and then click it

• Look for - Wireless Settings(C), and click it

• Look for Network Name (SSID), and then click on it

Look for Network Name (SSID), here really is the wifi name of your TP-Link Archer C7 Router. Do not use your name, home address or other personal information (because this isn't a Facebook status!) (No more Mr.Paul&Princy) Few humorous wifi title hints: I'm cheating on my WiFi! , FBI Surveillance Van #594 (scares away dumb offenders ), Lord of the Pings...

when you enter the title for your system, you need to allow WPA2-PSK encryption in your TP-Link Archer C7 modem. That is the strongest encryption standard available for home networks.

Enter a fresh WPA Pre-Shared Key / Wifi Password -- this can be the password you will use to link to your house wifi. Maintain it 16-20 characters and (please!) Do not use exactly the same password which you used for TP-Link Archer C7 modem login!

You did good so much, Now contemplate ⭐ Bookmarking this site , It always helps

Few more configurations that you can consider for the TP-Link Archer C7 router

You need or desire not choose to think about this step; it's both obsolete and quite a hassle!

• You can contemplate MAC Address filtering TP Link Login Archer C7 router. However, you'll need to basically login to the router to add any new devices by feeding on the device's MAC address everytime you have a guest. Your date might want to check his/her emails, you know?

• There are a good deal of tools in Internet asking to Disable SSID Broadcast on your TP-Link Archer C7, however it's more painful for you to join every time than the hacker. Just overlook, We don't even advocate it.

Checkout our New Blog on: TP Link WiFi Router