Videos & Tutorials
How to Play Golf Croquet
This video introduces the basics of Golf Croquet (GC) to new starters. GC is one of the easiest games to learn, but like all games, is a continual challenge to master
Chris Williamson's Coaching Tips
Chris Williamson shares some of his tips for playing Golf Croquet. Chris has only been playing GC for 4 years but has achieved a handicap of 1 and is now in the NSW State Team. Video shot January 2019
The new V6 of the Golf Croquet rules came into effect on 1st July 2022. Like all rules they can be a bit intimidating to read as they are rarely written in user friendly manner. This video simplifies the actions when a wrong ball is played. Note that Scenario 1 has been deleted as I got it wrong!!!!
Our club now has a Defibrillator (aka a 'Packer Wacker'). It's located on the left wall of our hoop house, as you enter it.
This video explains how to use it. Above the cabinet is a protocol card for calling 000, plus a box containing members emergency details.
Striking a target ball to make it move off at angle and distance that you want is called 'cutting' a ball. This video explains 2 possible methods for deciding where to aim.
Blocking shots can be very handy in croquet. They stop or hinder your opponent. This video explains optimum spots to block at plus some routines to practice achieving distance.
Double Taps are a fault in croquet. This video explains what they are, how to avoid them and the consequences. A common technique is a stop shot which is fully explained.
Ricochet Croquet is a great game for improving your accuracy in shots, angled shots plus thinking strategically. Its intended as a pathway for GC players to start playing AC but has become a game in its own right.
In Ricochet Croquet you get 1 'continuation stroke' for running the required hoop, and 2 'continuation strokes' for roqueting a live ball. For success you need to roquet these balls to positions where you can use them to run more hoops.
This video is part of the excellent GC Coaching session run by Kate McLoughlin & Peter Freer from Canberra Croquet Club on 9th November 2022 at Toronto Croquet Club as part of coaching offered by Toronto Hub. It was a fairly windy day so apologies for some of the sound.
Video that Marty Wooster made on the final day of the Lake Macquarie Games held from 8th -10th May 23. These are held annually and get entries from all over. You can check out the results and scores with this link on
Other Videos that relate to Toronto Croquet Club
Here's a video we made for an application to Holden Home Ground Advantage
Croquet. These links will list various YouTube videos for:
San Diego Croquet YouTube channel has a well organised set of playlists of videos for both AC and GC.
Below are a selection - just click the appropriate link.
Golf Croquet
Videos of the 2013 World Championships, Reg Bamford vs Ahmed Nasr in Cairo. Each game lasted between 20 and 33 Minutes
Game 1 Game 2 Game 3 Game 4 Game 5
Reg Bamford, the reigning World Croquet Champion speaks about his winning mental approach at Surbiton Croquet Club 19th Sep 2012.
Ian Harrison of Basingstoke Croquet Club has a range of videos on Golf Croquet. Bear in mind that some of the rules may have changed since these videos.:
Golf Croquet 1 - explains the history of GC, the grip, stalking
Golf Croquet 2 - explains some of the shots you can play, hitting balls away, hooping and some of the rules
Golf Croquet 3 - the ZOO, tactics, offside rule, wrong ball played rules, penalties.
Golf Croquet 4 - Non striking faults, etiquette, referring, more tactics
Golf Croquet 5 - how to play to win, level and handicap play, extra turns
Golf Croquet 6 - special shots, jump shots, how to give or take advice, the 13th hoop
UPDATE: Ian Harrison of Basingstoke Croquet Club has updated modules fro the 2019 5th Edition of the GC rules
Chester Croquet Club has some good modules and links
Jump Shots
How to do a Jump Shot from 3 different distances
Slow motion videos of Bob Kroeger, Series F, More from Bob Kroeger Casey De-Vene Paddy Chapman
A montage of jump shots including the one that won the Womens World Championship
Or just do a YouTube Search for Jump Shots
Association Croquet
Wayne Davies, Head Coach at the Westmoor Club shares some advice about Association Croquet (I think!)
Ian Harrison of Basingstoke Croquet Club has videos on Association Croquet. Again, bear in mind with all videos that some of the rules explained may have changed.
A totally different swinging action but heaps of power in the golf croquet practice. The poor old hoop really cops a battering. Its a wonder how it stays in the ground.
Some slow motion video of Jump Shots
A sweep shot. Interesting technique
Golf Croquet Shots showing the Egyptian swinging action. Notice with one player how close in the feet are and how his ankles roll out to do the shot. The swinging action is a combination from both the shoulders and the wrists. The other thing I naively noticed was the jump shots were not done by hitting down on the ball but rather by giving the ball an upward hit at the time of impact.
It would be nice to shoot hoops like this person. Take notice of his pendulum action, the closeness of his feet and how his ankles turn out each time the mallet passes between them.
Slow motion showing a double tap. Interesting to see how the ball bounces back and hits the mallet the second time.
Slow motion showing how a hampered shot should be played to avoid a double tap
John Van der Touw has some excellent slow motion videos showing crushes and double taps when playing close to the hoop