My articles

From time to time I use to write technical articles about UNIX systems or computers or anything in general. This is supposed to be the full list:

3PAR - virtualizovane ulozisko dat (slovak) ( - Describes an interesting storage solution

Ako sa stat hackerom (slovak) ( - A brief checklist of things to get done to become a hacker

Ako vyzera AIX5L (slovak) ( - A very brief introduction into AIX5L operating system of IBM

Ani cibula nemusi byt az taka zdrava (slovak) ( - An interesting issue of anonymity network known as TOR

Brany v panelakoch - physical security (slovak) ( - Physical security issue of common premises

Cracking AIX passwords || ako som sa prepocital (slovak) ( - Info about my silly trial to crack an AIX password

DoS/DDoS - uvaha (slovak) ( - An essay about Dos and DDoS attacks

Matematicka uloha - ruleta (slovak) ( - How to always win on roulette

Nepouzivajte ftp (slovak) ( - A practical example of ftp protocol insecurity

Nicenie dat na magnetickych mediach (slovak) ( - Info about how HDD works and how to really delete the files

Prenos ASCII dat cez ssh (slovak) ( - Quick tip for transmitting of ASCII text between computers via ssh

RAMdisk na Linuxe (slovak) ( - How to create a filesystem in the RAM on GNU/Linux

Virtualizacia - vyuzitie v enterprise prostredi (slovak) ( - New way of computing - autodynamic virtualisation

Zijeme v Matrixe, 1. cast (slovak) ( - An article about my understanding of the theory of superstrings

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