
Little_fellaX docs - page 02

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So the first thing to look at are the controls. Lets start with the head, eyetarget and hands.

The hands move the hands, obviously. to pose them, grab them and rotate them. by using hotkeys you can pose them a lot easier then by using the transform widget. particularly when rotating. Press R to rotate, then press x or y or z once to rotate around the world axis, press it twice, and you will rotate around the local axis. This may be obvious to most blenderheads, but just in case, it works like a charm. Also tap R twice to get trackball rotation instead of regular rotation.

The eyetarget is the bone where the eyes look at, not really more to it than that.

You can pose the head by moving the headbone. You can rotate the head by rotating the headbone along the z axis. If you turn off IK for the head, you can also use the head and neck bones directly, which are on the third bone layer.

The hands: they are made after mancandy's hands. So you scale the fingers to bend them. for instance, if you want to make a fist, you scale the four fingers down until the fingers are properly bend, then you rotate around the local z axis (press R Z Z). To pose the thumb use a combination of scaling the thumb, rotating (R) rotating trackball (RR) and rotate local y axis. At least, that's what I find "handy".

Next up: the shoulders, torso, upperarms.

The shoulder bones are bones that you can move whereever you want and the shoulders will point to them.

The torsobone acts as the IK target for the spine. What this means is that the spine follow whereever the torsobone is going.

The upperarm bones are used to twist the arms around. In combination with rotating the hand around the !local! y axis, you can put the arms in a lot of funky positions without the nasty shoulder and elbow twisting.

Next up: upperbody bone, waist hips and upperlegs.

The upperbody (the torso figure) moves the entire upperbody. Every single bone with the exception of the eyetarget. The waist moves, guess what the waist around, you can also rotate it to define the pose a little more. The hips are used only to finetune the pose. As I'm writing this they are still on the 1st bonelayer. I may move them to the 3rd before I rerelease the rig.

The upperleg bones are used the same way the upperarm bones are used.

Next up: the footroll and toes.

The footroll makes the foot rotate around either the heel or the ball of the foot. Credits go to Calvin from blenderartists for the original system. The toes rotate the toes, or rather, shoe-tip around their local x axis.

Next up: footbones, additional pivots and master bone.

The feetbones move and rotate the feet around. The extra pivots can be used to rotate around directly, but I usually select one, then snap the 3Dcursor to selection (shiftS), and change the rotation pivot from median to cursor (hotkey .> button), and rotate the footbone around the cursor. Once you're done rotating set the pivot back to median by pressing ctrl+,, or just pick your pivot options in the header. see the image below:

And the masterbone moves the entire rig around. Next page: the face.

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