Become a Member
Founded in 1976 by a few local residents, Thornbury Historical Society (THS) is a community based, non-partisan, non-profit organization dedicated to preserving and promoting the rich history of Thornbury Township, Delaware County, PA.
Through the enthusiasm and generosity of his members and friends, THS has been involved in numerous projects
- Tours of Historic Homes following a Pancake Breakfast at Glen Mills Schools.
- Signs within the boundaries of Thornbury that welcome travelers to our Township and herald its historic significance.
- An hour long professional DVD presentation entitled, "Historic Thornbury Township."
- Selected gift items of Thornbury Township: note cards, framed and unframed photographs, tote bags, limited edition mugs
and paintings.
More costly and long-term projects have also been undertaken. The Locksley Whistle Stop was saved from demolition and renovated in 1985. It is currently maintained by THS volunteers and donations from members, friends and local businesses. Restoration of the Glen Mills Train Station began in 1985 and was completed seven years later. In 1992, thanks to a generous donation by Walker Cisler, a baggage platform was reconstructed and the Train Station once again appeared ready to accept travelers. The renovation of the Glen Mills Station allowed THS to house and display an ongoing collection of artifacts, maps, publications, paintings, photographs and memorabilia that enrich the story of Thornbury Township. The memorial brick station platform was added in the late 1990's.
As a part of the celebration of Thornbury’s 325th anniversary, and with the help of the Township, 10 historic graphic panels were installed in Thornbury Park. This project is supported in part by a “Buy a Brick” program which is still underway. Over 250 local residents have purchased bricks with their family name and the date they became a part of the Township. The project received awards from the PA Museums and the Delaware County Heritage Commission.
Currently, THS consists of a nine member board of directors, several working committees and an active, continually growing membership of hundreds of families. Programs, normally 3, are scheduled yearly. All membership meetings include programs that help to promote community awareness of our local history through a variety of formats .
THS derives its general operating budget from annual membership dues and fund raising events. State grant monies from Pennsylvania have also been received for major renovation projects.
For current activities, check our web site:
Continuing plans for THS include:
Ø Working with the Township's Historic Commission to:
o Develop the Oral History project which explores the experiences of Thornbury’ s long time residents over the course of the 20th century to gain a better understanding of how life has changed and how certain values and experiences have remained the same,
o renovate the Frazer Farmstead so that the history of Percifor and Polly Frazer become more accessible and appreciated by the public.
Ø Broadening THS activities to encourage greater involvement of children and young adults.
Ø Expanding the archives collection and increasing it for public accessibility.
THS is always looking for ways to improve and grow. Your membership is important to us!
NAME:_______ _______ PHONE______________________
ADDRESS:_______ ANNUAL DUES $10 .00 per family
CITY, STATE, ZIP___________________________________________________
Special Interests -______________________________________
Owners of homes over 50 yrs old__________________________________________
Mail To: Thornbury Historical Society Make checks payable: THS Membership
PO Box 155 Cheyney, PA 19319