
Welcome on my new site ! Here you can find all my downloads and some of my zoos.

26/12/2014. Released a Bluefin Trevally and Coral Trout

13/12/2014. Released a gift shop pack and a food stand pack.

6/12/2014. Released a Kelp Bass and two tropical plants. 

25/11/2014. Released a Barbel Steed and Ninespine Stickleback

24/10/2014. Released a Redhead Cichlid and Harlequin Tuskfish 

21/10/2014. Please redownload the Yellowfin Goby, Bocaccio, Mangrove Red Snapper, Japanese Crucian Carp and Humpback Red Snapper, all of their models have been improved as well.

21/10/2014. Please redownload Fish Import Pack part 2. I decreased the vert count of all models.

20/10/2014. Please redownload Fish Import Pack part 1. I decreased the vert count and I replaced the Moore and Lionhead with the Goldfish

19/10/2014. Please redownload Fish Import Pack part 3, I fixed a few bugs. 

19/10/2014. Released a Yellow Boxfish, Goldfish and a patch which removes the inflation behaviour from FIP 3.

12/10/2014. Released a  new Tropical Foliage Pack.

11/10/2014. Released Fish Import Pack part 3.

08/10/2014. Released my black tankpanels.

15/09/2014. Added an Autorigging video tutorial.

01/09/2014. Added a Nifcoding video tutorial.

17/08/2014. Please re-download the Humpback Red-Snapper, Emperor Angelfish, Eastern Blue Devil Fish and Peacock Bass. I've have improved their models.