Hi and welcome to my personal website. I am a Full Professor in Economics at University Paris-Est Créteil, France.
Find out my peer-reviewed (in English, in French) and other Publications, my Classes, my Expertises, my Colleagues/Friends and "my" PhD students
Reach out barnay@u-pec.fr
Posts: The conversation, Blog de l'Afse, Blog du CES / Publications: Repec, Orcid, Google scholar
Dupuy J., Barnay T. & Defebvre E. (2024), "Clear as a Bell? Policy Stringency and Elderly Health during Covid-19", Social Science & Medicine, Volume 349, May 2024, 116878 [link]
Barnay T. & Crainich D., (2024) "De la théorie à la pratique et vice versa ou comment les économistes contribuent à comprendre et à améliorer le système de santé", numéro spécial à l’occasion des 44es journées des économistes de la santé français (JESF), Economie et Statistique/Economics and Statistics. [FRE] [ENG]
Dupuy J., Barnay T. & Defebvre E. (2024),"Comprendre les effets contradictoires des politiques publiques de lutte contre la COVID19 sur la santé des populations en Europe", Sciences Po LIEPP Policy Brief n°75, September. [link]
Dupuy J., Barnay T. & Defebvre E. (2024), "How Covid-19 restrictions really impacted older people’s health across Europe", The Conversation, October. [link]
Barnay T. (2024), « Un écosystème complexe et incertain ! », interview dans le Magazine Pharmaceutiques (320) sur le système de santé américain, Octobre. [link]
Current position
2014-... Full Professor in Economics (Professeur des Universités), Tenured Faculty, France
UPEC (Université Paris-Est Créteil), ÉRUDITE (2016-...)
Université de Rouen (2014-2016)
2011-... Founder & Head of the Master's Degree in Health Economics / Master 2 Economie de la santé de l'UPEC (2011-2014 ; 2016-2018 co-direction with Yann VIDEAU ; 2024-...), UPEC, France. Ranked among the top 10 Master's degree in Health Sector since 2014 (SMBG), 1st Prize Winner of pedagogy 2014 (SMBG), Award Program Launch 2013 (SMBG), Innovation Award 2012 (SMBG).
Most significant previous positions
2022-2024 Visiting Professor in Economics (Full-Time), Department of Economics, Northeastern University, Boston, USA
2021-2022 Visiting Professor in Economics (Full-Time), Department of Health Care Policy, Harvard Medical School, Harvard University, Boston, USA
2021-2022 French Harkness Fellow in Health Care Policy and Practice, the Commonwealth Fund, USA
2013-2014 Associate Professor in Economics (Maître de conférences, HDR - Habilité à Diriger des Recherches), Tenured Faculty, UPEC, ÉRUDITE, France
2006-2013 Assistant Professor in Economics (Maître de conférences), Tenured Faculty, UPEC, ÉRUDITE, France
2012-2015 Scientific Adviser to the French Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Drees (Directorate of Research, Studies, Evaluation and Statistics).
2006-2012 General Secretary of the French Health Economics Association (Collège des Economistes de la Santé)
2013 HDR* (Accreditation to supervise Phd Students), ÉRUDITE, UPEC, France
2004 PhD in Economics, UPEC, France
1999 Master in Degree in Economics (Human Capital and social policy evaluation), Class valedictorian, UPEC, France
*HDR means "Habilitation à Diriger des recherches" (Accreditation to supervise PhD in Economics) and corresponds to the highest degree issued by a French University.