Theology Papers

List of Theology papers available on "The Taboric Light" website:

01 - The Filioque Controversy:  From Blachernae to Florence

02 - The Palamite Doctrine of God

03 - Divine Transcendence and Immanence and the Distinction Between the Essence and Energies of God

04 - Augustine of Hippo and the Theophanies of the Logos

05 - St. Paul and the Resurrection of the Body

06 - The Conversion of St. Paul and the Unity of Christ and the Church

07 - Book Review:  The Doctrine of the Trinity in the Theology of Gregory Palamas

08 - Grace as God's Uncreated Energy

09 - St. Gregory Palamas and the Hesychasts

10 - The Sin of Idolatry and the Catholic Concept of Iconic Participation

11 - The Joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification:  True Consensus or an Agreement to Disagree

12 - The Debate Occasioned by Lumen Gentium 25 Regarding the Authority of the Ordinary and Universal Magisterium

13 - Tertullian and the Regula Fidei

14 - The Gospel Tradition:  Typology, Mythic Time, and the Historical Critical Method

15 - Theosis: Man’s Deification by Grace

16 - The Importance of Icons in Eastern Christian Worship

17 - The Maternal Mediation of the Holy Theotokos

18 - The Christological Controversy of the Fifth Century

19 - The Mystery of the Liturgy:  The Meaning of Catholic Worship

20 - The Incarnational Nature of Divine Revelation

21 - Roman Catholicism and Islam

22 - The Person of Christ

23 - Faith, Reason, Covenants and Grace in Catholic Theology

24 - Orientalium Ecclesiarum the Magna Carta of the Eastern Churches

25 - Unitatis Redintegratio and the Desire to Restore Full Communion among all the Baptized

26 - The Historical Critical Method and Fr. Raymond Brown (link to sister site)

27 - Book Review:  Karl Rahner’s “Inspiration in the Bible” (link to sister site)

28 - The Interpretation of the Senses of Scripture (link to sister site)

29 - St. Gregory of Nyssa (link to sister site)

30 - Sacrifice and Deification:  The Goal of Eucharistic Worship (link to sister site)