

Sunday of the Fathers of the Six Ecumenical Councils (excerpted form)

Troparion (Eighth Tone)

Christ our God, you are above all glory, for you have established our Holy Fathers as radiant stars on earth, and through them you have guided us all to the true faith. Most Merciful One, glory to You!

Kontakion (Eighth Tone)

The Apostles' preaching and the Fathers' teaching have established a single faith in the Church. Since this Church is now robed with the mantle of truth woven by inspired theology, it properly explains and glorifies the great mystery of the faith.

O Word of God and Lover of Mankind, Infinite and beyond description in your becoming Man for our sake: the noble assembly of Fathers proclaimed that You are both perfect Man and perfect God, one Person in two perfect natures, with two perfect wills. Wherefore we profess that You are one God with the Father and the Holy Spirit, and singing a hymn of praise to the Fathers, we adore You!

O glorious Fathers of the Councils, you demonstrated that Pyrrhus, Sergius, Onuphrius and Dioscorus were in error as well as Nestorius concerning their doctrines on Christ. You save the flock by teaching the true principle that Christ is one divine Person in two natures. This Christ we adore as perfect Man and perfect God, one with the Father and the Holy Spirit. O holy Fathers, we honor you and sing to you a hymn of praise!

The Fathers of the Councils, inspired by God, declare and explain that in Christ there is a divine Energy and a divine Will, uncreated and infinite: the Energy and Will of the Son of God; and a human Energy and human Will: those of the Son of Man. Thus did they proclaim that Christ is one divine Person having two natures, those of God and of Man. Wherefore we the faithful honor these Fathers every year, and glorify Christ who glorified them.

Ἄκτιστον ἐκήρυξαν, οἱ θεοφόροι συμφώνως, τὴν θείαν ἐνέργειαν, καὶ τὴν θείαν θέλησιν τοῦ πτωχεύσαντος, τὸν ἐμὸν ἄνθρωπον, τῇ σαρκὶ νείμαντες, τὸ κτιστὸν τῆς ἐνεργείας τε, καὶ τῆς θελήσεως, φύσεως φυγόντες τὴν σύγχυσιν, ἐμφρόνως οἱ μακάριοι, ὑποστατικήν τε διαίρεσιν· οὓς ἐν ἐτησίοις, τιμῶντες οἱ πιστοὶ ταῖς ἑορταῖς, Χριστὸν συμφώνως δοξάζομεν, τὸν αὐτοὺς δοξάσαντα.

The Fathers of the Councils proclaim to us today that the eternal Trinity is one God and one Lord, explaining to us that it is of one nature, consubstantial, of one Will and one Energy, not divided nor shared but existing in the simplicity of God's being; and defining that this Will and Energy of God have no beginning and will never have an end. Wherefore we the faithful glorify these Fathers as the Equals of the Apostles, for they taught all mankind the true doctrine of God.

Τριάδα τὴν ἄκτιστον, οἱ θεοφόροι Πατέρες, Θεὸν ἕνα Κύριον, ὁμοφρόνως σήμερον ἀνεκήρυξαν, τὸ ἁπλοῦν ἅπασι, τῆς μιᾶς φύσεως, καταλλήλως ὑποδείξαντες, κοινῷ θελήματι, καὶ τῆς ἐνεργείας ἁπλότητι, ἄναρχον ἀτελεύτητον, τοῦτον διὰ πάντων γνωρίσαντες· ὅθεν ἀνυμνοῦμεν, αὐτοὺς ὡς Ἀποστόλων μιμητάς, καὶ τὸ ἐκείνων διδάξαντας, πάντας Εὐαγγέλιον.

O Holy Fathers of the Councils, you are the faithful keepers of the Apostles' tradition. By proclaiming that the three Persons of the Holy Trinity are one and consubstantial, you refuted the blasphemy of Arius; by teaching that the Holy Spirit is a distinct Person, one with the Father and the Son, you put Macedonius, Severus and other heretics to shame. Wherefore we beseech you to intercede for us, preserving us from heresy and error and keeping our lives blameless in God's sight.