
Post date: Jun 23, 2015 11:58:42 PM

Welcome to TOK! I am very excited about teaching this course because it represents everything I believe about how people learn.  Theory of Knowledge is not a philosophy course, but it may often feel that way.  You are going to learn not only how to ask the right questions but also how to find the answers.  This is a fascinating course, but you will honestly have to invest yourself in it to get anything out of it.  If you do it right, TOK could change your life.  I promise.  

Because TOK touches on nearly every area of your life, I highly encourage you to discuss what you've learned with your family.  This website is mainly for student use, but I welcome your parents to visit whenever they like.  Nothing fosters learning more than discussing and sharing ideas.

Here are a few housekeeping things to get us started:

1. I highly recommend that you bookmark this website now so you can access it later.  I will use this website every day to post    agendas, assignments, deadlines, reminders, resources, and more.  

2. Click here for an electronic copy of the syllabus.

3. To sign up for Remind, just text @tok11DCHS to 81010 or send a blank email to tok11DCHS@mail.remind.com.

4. If you ever have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to send me an email. (andrew.st.john@douglas.k12.ga.us)