Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteer Opportunities

Service is an important value of the McGregor House community. We encourage everyone to get involved and give back to their community. Here are some great opportunities to give back in the Mt. Auburn community.

Mt. Auburn Community Council

If you are looking to get involved in your neighborhood, the community council is a great place to start. The Mt. Auburn Community Council meets every third Monday at 7pm at the Historical Taft Center on Auburn.

Hamilton County Youth Detention Center (2020) - Tutor

Many youth who commit severe mistakes and are typically from disadvantaged backgrounds end up knowing Mt. Auburn in ways they wish they didn't. 2020 Auburn located in Mt. Auburn has children and adolescents under 18 years old who have committed felonies. They are looking for weekly or monthly tutors for 1 hr per session. Please contact the.mac.house.cincinnati@gmail.com if you are interested in helping make a difference in a troubled teen's life.

Boys and Girls Club - Taft Elementary

Located next to 2020 Auburn, this STEM elementary school has a boys and girls club M-F from 2-6pm, if you are interested in getting involved, contact the.mac.house.cincinnati@gmail.com or visit the BGC website! Taft Elementary is also looking for volunteers to tutor.


Located in the South of Mt. Auburn, this community garden hires local youth in the city to work on a plot of land and then sell their produce at Findlay Market. Find out more here!

Big Brothers Big Sisters

Sign up to mentor a youth, it takes one hour a week for a commitment in one year. As an option, you can find a youth in your community as well! Volunteer here.

Give Back Cincinnati

Interested in meeting other young professionals in the city while helping serve the community?! Get involved with Give Back Cincinnati and help serve the city while also networking with great people.