
2020 WALKS

February 9th 2020

Annette's walk in Totland, lunch at the Highdown Inn

Photo Janette Baxter


January 12th 2020

Peter's walk in Ventnor, Lunch at the Spyglass

Photos Annette Trayner




2019 WALKS


Sunday 8th December 2019

Pat's walk in Cowes and Lunch at the New Holmwood

Photos Cilla Fairall



Sunday 10th November, 2019

Janette's walk to Freshwater Bay and back to lunch at the Red Lion


Above and Below:On the old railway track from the Causeway to Freshwater

Armistice Day on the Causeway

Below: at The Bay

Above: Tall woody plant with foot wide leaves - anyone know what it is?

Below: Freshwater Gingko

Below: Pic Janette Baxter

Below: At the Red Lion

Above: Short walkers at the End of the Line:

Marie, Len, Heather, Joyce and Peggy Pic Sue Logan

Below:At the Red Lion


Sunday 13th October, 2019

Eileen's walk around Firestone Copse.

Lunch at The White Hart at Havenstreet. The weather was very wet but the meal made up for the weather.



Sunday 8th September, 2019

Kay and John's walk from Binstead to Quarr Abbey and back to the Fleming Arms for lunch.



Sitting: John, Marie, Heather

At back: John, Maggie, Andy, Eileen, Janette, Len, J+kay, Annette and Cindy


Sunday 14th July 2019

Margaret & Hugh's walk along the railway track to "Nature Zones" at Blackwater. Back for picnic lunch in the garden of Upper Shide Mill House

Coming out to greet us


Hugh, Margaret, John, Eileen, Roger, Len, Andy, Marie, Heather, Cilla, Annette, Alan.

Bucolic English landscape by the side of the Medina.

Picnic in the garden, Margaret & Hugh serving the delicious puddings..


Coffee at "Nature Zones"


Sunday 9th June 2019

Prab & Jane's walk at Brading

With lunch in the Kynge's Well pub.

Arthur, Les, Kay, Val, John, Cilla, Heather, Janette, Andy & Prab

On the top of the Down

Below: This poor chap's got a long wait... Brading Railway Station

