12. Richard Morton Bagley 1919

PARENT 11. Enid Mary Johnson 1892

RICHARD MORTON BAGLEY (MORTON) was born in Cheshire on the 17th of August 1919 (3rd qtr Bucklow), the middle of 5 children. He came from a prosperous family from the north of England who had done well in the industrial revolution.The Bagleys had originally been merchant adventurers and had become central to the Newcastle steel industry. The Johnsons were an affluent Manchester family. Their family business, Richard Johnson, Clapham and Morris, was a successful steel and wire manufacturer with branches in Australia. The Johnsons also had roots in Newcastle, England, through Enid's grandmother Emma Angas, who was the daughter of George Fife Angas, the founder of South Australia, and the sister of the artist George French Angas.

At age 13, Richard contracted the measles and passed the illness on to his mother. She didn't survive and three months after her death his father died from the delayed effects of the mustard gas poisoning he had been subjected to in the trenches of the First World War. Richard blamed himself for his mother's death and never fully recovered from the loss of his parents.

From 1932 to 1937, Bagley attended Eton College. He then trained in the Territorial Army shortly before war broke out in 1939, when he was posted to Scapa Flow, Orkney Isles, to guard the naval base from German attack. In 1938 whilst serving with the 5th Battalion of the Durham Light Infantry, (late cadet Eton College, Cont, Jun. Div. O.T.C) was apponited to be 2nd Lieutenant as of the 4th of May 1938, this was published in the London Gazette of the 3rd of MaY 1938. By the end of the war he felt he had missed out on seeing the action and was itching for adventure in far-off lands.

He studied geography at Trinity College, Cambridge, and upon graduation he worked for British Ordnance Survey and qualified as a chartered surveyor. In 1953, lured by the exciting opportunities available to a surveyor with a special interest in geology and mining, he emigrated to Australia. According to family lore, he brought with him little more than a few treasured photographs and the jacket he wore for his Trinity College interview

Initially he worked at Weipa in bauxite mining for Comalco, before moving to the Australian Surveying Department, where he spent most of his career.

For a while, he was part owner of a farm on the confluence of the Murray and Darling rivers, but the nature of his work meant that he moved around a lot and he spent long periods living in the remote locations in which he worked. These included Norfolk Island, Groote Eylandt and north Queensland, where the Bagley Channel was named in his honour. Perhaps fittingly for a man so comfortable with an itinerant existence, the Bagley Channel is fringed with deep sandy beaches that have the capacity to change dramatically in size, shape and location.

Richard never married and had little contact with his family in Britain until the late 1970s. After his retirement he started returning to Britain to spend the northern summers with relatives. In between he endeavoured to teach his great nieces and nephews about Australia by sending educational postcards containing a brief lesson on the images depicted on each card. Topics included Australian marsupials and the history of Cockatoo Island. These snippets of information continued to arrive regularly, even when his nieces were in their 30s.

Although Australia was his home for most of his adult life, he never forgot his roots and expressed his Northumbrian identity through his passion for Geordie music. In later life he would cause his great-nieces to giggle by singing, on occasion, Geordie folk songs at the top of his voice in public.

Richard inherited the family trait of having an encyclopaedic memory for places, dates and trivia, which made him an excellent pub quiz team member. He was a keen amateur chess player and enjoyed speaking French. He was also an enthusiastic swimmer and swam competitively until the age of 90.

Richard chose to leave his body to medical research.
