The Soldier's Plea

The Soldier's Plea (Eartly Heartlandic: Şúnaşorkis apyúzesy, literally "The Pleadings of The Soldiers") was a prayer commonly said by members of the Imperial Cult of the Heartland Temple prior to battle. It was usually led by a Low Priest of the Cult—often a Warrior-Priest—and took the form of a Call-and-Response Intercessionary Plea, one of the many types of formalized prayer styles used in the Heartland religion. In particular, in The Soldier's Plea a priest asked Faljárx, the most revered warrior in Heartland legend, to pray to the High God and his Aspects on behalf of the soldiers. This was because, under Temple belief, only members of the Priesthood and the Nobility were typically considered ritually clean enough to pray directly to the High God and Aspects.


English Translation
