Repóz̧y Paklyéşëpkòlut

King Repóz̧y of the Paklyéşëpkòlut line, also known as Repóz̧y the Brutal, was King of the Kingdom of the Lower Kólşärk and High King of the First High Kingdom of the Heartland from the time of his full ascension in FK 46, at age 25, until FK 57. He was born in FK 21 and was the son of King Myérnëpa the Younger. Shortly after his birth, Myérnëpa was killed in an ambush while campaigning in the Upper Midlands during the First War of the Upper Midlands. While technically ascending to the throne upon his father's death, until his full ascension his Great Uncle Leynkóşy and then later his Uncle Kyúmäş ruled as King-in-Stead.

In the early years of his reign, he repeatedly and sometimes-forcefully denied petitions for meeting with the less-titled nobility of the Eastern Kingdoms who were trying to regain the titles and privileges taken from them following the Three Writs issued by Myérnëpa the Younger after the Battle of the Blue Marshes, which prolonged and exacerbated the issues that were present in the region since the conclusion of the Rebellion of the Eastern Nobility in FK 13, and undoing the goodwill that King-in-Stead Kyúmäş had done during his reign.

In late FK 51, several young nobles in the east were killed by soldiers of Repóz̧y's army, under muddled and confused circumstances. This directly lead to the Zyahóstëkyi Warmeeting, and the issue of the Declaration of Zyahóstëkyi. Repóz̧y responded to the Declaration with force, as soon as his forces could muster and make the journey, and the result was the Siege of Zyahóstëkyi and then the Massacre of Outer Zyahóstëkyi, where his forces were routed and trounced. These two actions led immediately to the Heartland Civil War.

In FK 57, Repóz̧y was forced to flee Kértukoynay Kólşärktes just prior to the Siege of Kértukoynay Kólşärktes (during which his Uncle Kyúmäş was killed). He was captured during the Siege of the Pit, and was tried and executed in Kértukoynay Kólşärktes in FK 57. He was survived by a son and two daughters, and was succeeded by his uncle, King Kunráyët the Last.