Church Bulletin 1925
Will be published each month in the interests of this church and the religious life of this town. Rev. L. W. Parker, pastor of the church, is, editor and assumes all responsibility for what The Bulletin contains.
Subscription, 50 cents per year; single copies, five cents. If you have any items of interest to the congregation, to the town, to your friends abroad, pass them in. They will be thankfully received.
Copies of The Bulletin will be sent to any absent friends whose name and address you will leave with us.
Sunday school at 2 p. m. Preaching services every Sunday at 11 a.m. and 7 p. m. ‘Everyone is welcome in this church and if you have no church service of your own you are cordially invited to worship with us.
Church Directory
Session-Rev. L. W. Parker, minister; E. D. Allen, J. Hugh Tucker and M. D. MacKenzie, M. D., Elders.
Managers-Harvey McAloney, Charles Huntley, Jas. Kirkpatrick, Dr. MacKenzie, E. D. Allen, F. M. Swan, J. Hugh Tucker, A. F. Sencabaugh, Frank Taggart; and for the Diligent River District James M. Leslie and S. J. Soley.
Secretary-Treasurer-M. D. MacKenzie, M. D. Superintendent of School-J. Hugh Tucker. ‘Teachers-Miss Jean Peacock, Miss Elsie
Waller, Miss Nellie Baxter, Mrs. Parker, and others as needed.
Cradle Roll Superintendent, Mrs. Walter Wasson.
Organist and Choir Leader-Mrs. M. D. MacKenzie.
W. M. S. meets the first Thursday of each month. President, Mrs. Seaman; Secretary, Mrs. M. Gilbert; Treasurer, Mrs. A. B. Lusby.
The Ladies’ Aid society meets second Tuesday evening of each month. President, ‘Mrs. Lawson Jenks;. Secretary, Mrs. Parker;
Treasurer, Mrs. Fred Swan.
President- Mrs. Parker.
Vice President-Elsie Ogilvie. Secretary-Marjory Belding.
Treasurer-Phyllis Kirkpatrick.
The meetings are held fortnightly on Friday afternoons. All the boys and girls of the congregation are invited to attend.
The Young People’s Missionary society will meet fortnightly on Monday night. The officers are: President-Miss Eva McKenzie.
Vice President-Miss Anne Huntley. Secretary-Miss Marjory Randall. Treasurer-Miss Ida Merriam.
Preaching service, 3 p. m., fortnightly.
The Diligent River Sewing Circle meets the first Tuesday of each month in the evening at the homes of the members.
The Fox River W. M. S. meets on the second Friday of each month. The officers are: . President-Mrs. G. M. Crochrane. Secretary-Mrs. Stanley Soley. Treasurer-Miss K. McKay.
If any of our friends at Port Greville should not get the church paper they can obtain 1:1. copy from Mrs. Arthur Cochrane.
At Diligent River copies may be obtained from Miss Florence McLeod.
Rev. Dr. H. H. Morton, Presbyterian missionary, arrived from Trinidad and is the guest of his father-in-law, Hon. J. G. Forbes, St. John, N. B. He is accompanied by his children, the Misses Marion, Molly and Sallie and Gordon and Jack. Dr. Morton will attend the General Assembly at Toronto.
A Miss Mable McKay, who was missionary in, British Guiana, is now deaconess at River He bert. Mrs. Littlewood, who preceded her has gone to Stellarton.
Rev. B. J. Porter of Truro. Rev.Wright exchanged pulpits for April.
Mr. C. A. Huntley has changed the name his tug from her old name James S.Gregory, to Frances M. Huntley.
Text Transcribed by Conrad Byers, 2006