Church Bulletin 1924
St. James Church Bulletin, June 1924
Three changes will take place on the school staff at the end of the current term. Miss Ross, the vice principal, will be replaced by Miss Lewis of Five Islands, Miss Withrow of grade six by Miss Bigelow of Parrsboro, and Miss Crowe of grade five by Miss Fullerton of Halfway River.
The school entertainment given in the opera house on May 23 was a decided success in every way. The numbers were good and for the most part instructive in patriotism and good conduct as citizens. The little tots of grades one and two were particularly entertaining. The amount realized for a library fund was about $90. Principal Brannen
and his staff are to be congratulated on the success of this their first entertainment of an annual series.
Miss Ferne Lamb of Diligent River gave up her school at Shubenacadie at the Easter recess and will spend the summer at her home.
Miss Laura Davison of Halfway River, who has returned from her studies at Acadia University, will finish out the term at Mapleton school. The teacher had to give up through illness.
The announcement of 50 per cent reduction in the price of school books in this province will be welcome news to the average citizen, even if it does mean some loss to the publishers and dealers.
The entertainment given by St. James’ Church Mission Band on April 29 as a mission pageant, “Heralds of the King,” was well patronized. The hall was filled to overflowing. Some went away who could not easily gain admittance when they came to the door. A collection was asked for and the proceeds were above $25. Mr. Parker added to the program with a set of lantern slides, “Across Canada,” showing about 130 views illustrative of Canadian scenery and industries.
Behold at eveningtide trouble; and before the morning he is not. This is the portion of them that spoil us, and the lot of them that rob us.-Isaiah 17: 14.
The Beaver Square of Tuxis Boys made their first appearance in public entertainment in the vestry of Grace Church on Friday, May 9, and put on a good program of songs, recitations, dialogues and athletic stunts. Miss Jean Wright was the pianist and was the only help outside the square. The street signboards were displayed to the audience and the work as done by the square explained. The signs were put up in the town next day and are well spoken of by the citizens generally. There are a few more to be completed and placed.
The Young People Missionary Society motored out to Mr. Earl Smith’s after the prayer meeting on Wednesday, May 28, where Mrs. Smith had arranged for a birthday surprise party for her sister, Miss Frances Taggart. Mr. and Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Taggart, Mr. and Mrs. Smith and 19 other younger members of the society made up the party. A very pleasant three hours were spent and a cake and ice cream lunch served. A hearty vote of thanks was tendered to the hosts for so well arranged and executed a plan.
Before this copy of The Bulletin is in circulation a change of some importance will have come into effect in the morning services in all the town churches. The schools will meet at the close of the regular service, and to avoid making it very late for the dinner hour, as well as to bring uniformity into the services of all the congregations, the morning service will hereafter begin at 10 :30 instead of at 11 o’clock. This schedule will go into effect June 1.
The Y. P. M. S. held their annual thanksgiving offering service on Friday, May 30. Mrs. Forbes, vice president of the W. M. S., was present and gave an address showing the need and also many encouragements in the work. The church was beautifully decorated with violets and wild pear blossoms. The offering was $16.27. Refreshments were served in the hall at the close of the meeting. Life membership certificates were presented to Mrs. Lusby and Mrs. Parker. This had been kept secret from the recipients of the honors and gave them a complete surprise.
A man’s brain attains its maximum weight at the age of 20 years.
Text Transcribed by Conrad Byers, 2006