Announcement of Church Opening

Morning Chronicle

Halifax, NS, Thursday, April 9, 1885. Page 1

Parrsboro’s New Church

Opening of the New Edifice erected by St. James Congregation

Parrsboro, March St. – St. James’ church was opened for divine service on Sunday, and notwithstanding a blustering snow storm, and bad roads, there was a large attendance.…..

…. The opening of this church was a deeply interesting occasion, not only to the pastor, who has labored with great zeal and assiduity since his settlement here, but to the congregation and chiefly to the building committee, who have spend a great deal of time looking after the work since its commencement. The Truro Presbytery, to which this congregation belongs, have also shown a great deal of anxiety about the matter, feeling dearly the inconvenience and unsuitableness of the old church.

About four years ago, during the pastorate of Rev. A. McLeod, the ladies of the congregation undertook to raise money to purchase sights for a church and manse, and by persevering in their efforts, succeeded in obtaining three lots in a beautiful situation on the heights overlooking the town and harbor,. For beauty and convenience, the situation could not have been better chosen. In the summer of 1882 the foundation of the church was laid, an excellent piece of work, done under the supervision of Mr. B. N. Fullerton. The frame was raised, boarded in and shingled, after which nothing further was done until last spring, when Mr. Elliot, of Halifax, was engaged to furnish designs for the tower and the interior arrangements. The contract for finishing the church was awarded to Mesars (?) Dickinson. Tuttle and Harrison, who have done their work in a manner highly creditable to themselves and satisfactory to the managing committee. The ceiling finished in wood, was painted in tasteful designs by Mr. Potter, of Advocate Harbor, and has a very pleasing effect. The pews and platform are of black ash, with imitation mahogany mouldings. The platform is handsomely carpeted and has three elegant chairs, provided by the ladies furnishing committee. The ladies are under obligations to friends in St. John, for aid in providing lamps and chandeliers, and Mr. O. H. Warwick, of that city, for a very liberal discount on the lamps. They also acknowledge indebtedness to Manchester, Roberston and Allison, for large discounts on matting for the aisles and a donation for lamp fund. Other donations deserve mention, notably one from the Rev. Jes Anderson, M. A., of Musquodobelt Harbor.

Never in the Presbyterian congregation of Parrsboro has so deep an interest been manifested as during the past two years. The “struggle for existence” seems nearly ended, and all thoughtful minds look with hope and confidence to a prosperous future. If there are some who feel regret at leaving forever the church where for so many years they worshiped and around which cluster the graves off near and dear fiends and relatives, who will blame them? Yet doubtless most of them find mingled with their grief, pride and joy in the beautiful edifice in which they were permitted by the providence of God to worship yesterday.