Honors Biology Class Expectations

Honors Biology 2023 - 2024

Mrs. Feather    

Email: cfeather@ccphilly.org        


Web Site: https://sites.google.com/site/thefeatherfiles/

This Honors Biology course is a rigorous study of God’s living creation requiring a high degree of motivation and the ability to work independently.  It stresses those areas of biology common to all living things such as cell biology, genetics, classification and biochemistry.  The underlying principle is that all life was created with unity and diversity. 

Classroom Rules:

1.     Arrive ON TIME to class EVERYDAY. 

2.     Follow directions the FIRST time.

3.     Please bring the following required materials to EVERY class:

4.     Textbooks are to be covered with brown paper bags throughout the year. 

5.     Respect the RIGHTS, FEELINGS and SAFETY of others.

6.     Absences – make up work is your responsibility.  Please check the above mentioned website.

Grading Rational:

1.     Tests                – 55%

2.     Quizzes            – 15%

3.     Written work    – 20%

4.     Homework        - 10%

5.     Tutor Hours     

6.     Extra Credit