AP Biology Expectations

AP Biology 2023 - 2024

Mrs. Feather   

Email: cfeather@ccphilly.org


Web Site: https://sites.google.com/site/thefeatherfiles/

 AP Biology is a course designed to be the equivalent of an introductory biology course taken by biology majors during their first year of college.  AP Biology focuses not only on content coverage, but on applying concepts to experimental situations, designing experiments, and demonstrating scientific reasoning and analysis

Classroom Rules:

1.     Arrive ON TIME to class EVERYDAY.

2.     Follow directions the FIRST time.

3.     Plan to work hard.  Spend time each day reviewing.  Completing reading assignments BEFORE coming to class is necessary to benefit from what we work on in class.  Use practice activities on the text website and review Bozeman Biology Videos on YouTube.

4.     Please bring the following required materials to EVERY class:

5.     Textbooks are to be covered with brown paper bags throughout the year.

6.     Respect the RIGHTS, FEELINGS and SAFETY of others.

7.     Absences – make up work is your responsibility


Grading Rational:

1.     Tests                – 50%

2.     Homework    – 10%

3.     Written work   – 25%

4.     Quizzes       - 15%

5.     Tutor Hours