Thanks for visiting!

 This website can be a valuable resource...IF you use it. 

You will be able to access a schedule of assignments, worksheets if needed, as well as other resources and additional website recommendations. Some dates for assignments may change due to the nature of our class day. While I will update the site as needed, those of you who like to complete your work in advance may need to be a little flexible. I am learning that as well!!

If you are absent due to illness, you can check here for anything that is due. You can even print a copy of handouts. 

I am looking forward to getting to know many of you and continuing to develop relationships with those I have taught in the past!!

School Supplies

So - you are wondering what you need for my class.....

AP Biology -

3-ring binder with paper, folder, blue/black pens, pencils, colored pencils, calculator

Honors Biology - 

Dedicated binder section or spiral notebook, green folder,  assignment book, blue/black pens, pencils,  marble composition book, colored pencils

Physical Science -  Dedicated  spiral notebook or binder section,  yellow folder,   assignment book,  blue/black pens, pencils,  calculator - nothing fancy but required!


Missing class due to a sport is a privilege - not an excuse.

You are responsible to make up notes on your own time and you are responsible to hand in homework on the day that it is due. Check with a classmate, this website or stop by room 202 for your missing assignment(s).

If you think you are to miss a scheduled test due to a game, please be prepared to take your test during lunch the same day or make arrangements with me BEFORE you leave for a game. 

Thanks for your compliance with my classroom rules!

Choir, Band and Drama Folks!

All choir, band and drama folks - remember - if you need to miss my class for concert practices or play rehearsals, please find out what you have missed from a classmate. 

You are responsible to hand in any missed work on the day it is due.  

If a test or quiz is scheduled, it is your responsibility to speak with me to schedule a make up.  

I will post handouts and homework on this site or stop and see me in room 202 for the missing handouts. 

Thank you for being responsible!

Study Skills!!

I have found a website designed to address some various study skills. You can go to How to

and check out some suggestions for how to study, how much to study, and strategies to address test anxiety. There is also a section with testimonials from other learners you may find helpful. Please let me know if you have checked out the site and what may help you!