
Courses I am currently teaching at ILLC:

Topology, Logic and Learning 2020

Courses previously taught at University of Amsterdam:

Dynamic Epistemic Logic 2019-20

Topology, Logic and Learning 2019

Dynamic Epistemic Logic 2018-19

Axiomatic Set Theory 2017-2018

Axiomatic Set Theory 2015-2016, 2016-2017,

Dynamic Epistemic Logic 2016-2017

Axiomatic Set Theory 2014-2015

Dynamic Epistemic Logic 2014-2015 and 2015-2016

Topics in Dynamic Epistemic Logic 2013-2014

Introduction to Modal Logic 2013-2014

Topics in Dynamic Epistemic Logic 2012-2013

Introduction to Modal Logic 2012-2013

Introduction to Modal Logic 2011-2012

Axiomatic Set Theory 2011-2012

Topics in Dynamic Epistemic Logic 2011-2012

Invited courses taught at other universities:

  • Course at the Workshop on Formal Epistemology. Northern Institute of Philosophy, the University of Aberdeen, June 14-18, 2010. Joint course with S. Smets.

  • A course on "Dynamic Quantum Logic" at Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. July 2005. Joint course with S. Smets.

  • "Logics for Communication": invited course at the Department of Artificial Intelligence of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madrid, March 2004.

  • A course on "dynamic modal logic" at the Foundations of the Formal Sciences II, Bonn, Germany, November 2000.

  • During my post-doctoral stage at ILLC (University of Amsterdam), I taught the course “Modal Logic”, as a co-lecturer with Y. Venema.

Other courses I taught in previous years at Oxford University:

Courses in Logic taught at international summer schools:

  • Hokkaido Summer School 2017 on Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Course Material available for students enrolled in the school.

  • Hokkaido Summer School 2016 on Dynamic Epistemic Logic. Course Material available for students enrolled in the school.

  • NASSLLI 2014. Course Material for students enrolled in the NASSLLI-2014-school.

  • "Interactive learning, formal social epistemology and group belief dynamics: logical, probabilistic and game-theoretic models" at ESSLLI 2012 (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information). Joint course with S. Smets. Course Material available for ESSLLI2012-students.

  • "Multi- Agent Belief Dynamics" at NASSLLI 2010 (North American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), Indiana University June 21-25, 2010. Joint course with S. Smets. Slides on-line for NASSLLI 2010 students.

  • “Dynamic Logics for Interactive Belief Revision” at ESSLLI’ 09 (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), Bordeaux 2009. Joint course with S. Smets. Course Information

  • "Logics for Quantum Information Flow” at ESSLLI’ 06 (European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), Malaga 2006. Joint course with S. Smets. Course Information

  • “Logics for Communication: reasoning about information flow in dialogue games” at NASSLLI’ 03 (North- American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), Bloomington Indiana, 2003.

  • “Dynamic Epistemic Logic” at NASSLLI’ 02, Stanford University, 2002. Joint course with L. Moss.

  • A course on “Logic and Games” at The First South African Summer School on Logic, Universal Algebra and Theoretical Computer Science, (LUATCS’99), Rand Afrikaans University, Johannesburg, South Africa, December 1999.