Research Interests

  • Modal Logic (in particular dynamic logic, epistemic logic, temporal logic, coalition logic, topological modal logic, mu-calculus, etc);

  • models for multi-agent information flow and information merge (learning, belief revision, communication, persuasion);

  • models for evidence, justification and inductive learning: topological evidence models, probabilistic models, Justification Logic, causal models, hyper-intensional models, methods from Formal Learning Theory, etc.

  • logics for Social Epistemology: group knowledge, social networks, belief aggregation, distortions of social information flow (cascades, pluralistic ignorance);

  • the logical foundations of Quantum Mechanics; quantum logic and logical models for quantum systems, quantum computation and quantum information flow; the epistemic-computational aspects of quantum entanglement; the dynamic-epistemic aspects of the Measurement Problem;

  • applications of fixed points, fixed-point logics, coalgebras and non-wellfounded sets to modelling self-referentiality, circularity and paradoxes (in semantics, epistemology, foundations of set theory, quantum mechanics, social sciences, etc)

  • rationality and action in Game Theory, and its connections to logic; epistemic game theory and solution concepts in games of imperfect information; the backwards induction paradox; iterated games; bounded rationality in games; infinite games; applications of game theory to logic.

  • the logic of probability and its relevance to belief revision; non-standard probabilities (conditional and lexicographic probability, imprecise probability, radical uncertainty, etc); qualitative probability, and connections between the Bayesian (probabilistic) theory of belief and the qualitative approach to belief and belief revision.

  • logical modelling of causality and causal discovery

  • Formal Epistemology and its connections to traditional (mainstream) Epistemology, as well as to Philosophy of Information and Philosophy of Science.