

Contributed Talks to Conferences and Workshops


  • Annual Conference of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Irvine University, California 1995. Presentation of contributed talk: "Modal Logic and Topology".

  • Annual Conference of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Madison, Wisconsin, 1996. Presentation of contributed talk: "Modal Characterizations for Sets and Kripke Structures".

  • The 10th European Summer School in Logic,
    Language and Information
    (ESSLLI'96), Prague 1996. Contributed Paper: "Multidimensional Epistemic Logic". My paper was presented by Martin de Rijke.

  • Annual Conference of the Association for Symbolic Logic, Boston Massachusetts, 1997. Presentation of contributed talk: "Interpolation and Preservation for Pebble Logics".

  • The 7th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK'98), Evanston, Illinois, July 22-24 1998.Contributed paper.

  • Second Conference on {\em Advances in Modal Logic}, (AIML 98), Uppsala, Sweden, October 1998. Presentation of contributed paper.

  • Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'99), part of the ETAPS'99 Conference, Amsterdam, March 1999. Participant.

  • Summer School in Logic and Computation, Herriot - Watt University, Edinburgh, Great Britain, April 10-13 1999. Presentation of contributed paper.

  • Workshop on Foundations and Applications of Collective Agent Based Systems, part of the 11th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESLLI'99), Utrecht University, Utrecht, August 1999. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'00), satellite of ETAPS'00, Berlin, March 2000. Presentation of contributed talk: "A Logic for Coalgebraic Simulation".

  • GLLC'00, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, April 14 2000. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The Fourth Conference on Logic and Foundations of Game Theory and Decision Theory (LOFT'00), ICER, Torino, Italy, June 30-July 2 2000. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The Fourth Workshop on Games in Logic, Language and Computation (GLLC'00), Groningen University, Groningen, NL, November 21 2000. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • Logic Colloquim 2000 (LC'00), Paris, La Sorbonne, July 23-31 2000. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The 6th Barcelona Logic Meeting, satellite of the Third European Congress of Mathematics, Barcelona, Spain, July 5-8 2000. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The 4th International Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'01), satellite workshop of ETAPS 2001 Genova, Italy 6-7 April 2001. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The 8th Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK'01), Siena, Italy, July 2001. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science (CMCS'02), satellite of ETAPS'02, Grenoble, France, April 2002. PC Member and participant.

  • LOGAMAS '02 (Symposium on Logic in Games and Multi - Agent Systems), University of Liverpool, 16-17 December 2002. Contributed Talk: "A Hoare Logic for Epistemic Programs".

  • NASSLLI'02 (The First North - American Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), Stanford University, July 2002. Participant and co-lecturer at the post-graduate course "Dynamic Epistemic Logic", taught by L. Moss.

  • CMCS'03 (Workshop on Coalgebraic Methods in Computer Science), satellite of ETAPS'03, Warsaw, Poland, April 2003. Contributed Talk: "A Coalgebraic Semantics for Epistemic Programs".

  • NASSLLI'03 (The Second Summer School in Logic, Language and Information), Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, July 2003. Speaker and course organizer: I gave a series of 5 lectures, as a post-graduate course on "Logics for Communication: reasoning about information flow in dialogue games". Course available online.

  • 2nd LICS Workshop on Quantum Programming Languages (QPL'04), affiliated to LICS '04 (Turku, Finland 2004). My (joint) submission (with Sonja Smets) "A Dynamic Logic for Quantum Programming" was accepted and presented by Bob Coecke.

  • LICS Workshop on {\it Resources, Processes and Programs} (LRPP'04), affiliated to LICS '04 (Turku, Finland 2004). My (joint) paper (with B. Coecke and M. Sadrzadeh) "Epistemic actions as resources" was accepted and presented by M. Sadrazadeh.

  • 1st Workshop on {\it Knowledge and Games} (KAG'04), Liverpool, July 2004. Contributed Talk: "Learning that you are being deceived".

  • Quantum Structures '04, the 8th Meeting of the Quantum Structures Association (IQSA), Denver, USA, July 2004. Contributed paper (joint work with S. Smets) "The Logic of Quantum Actions", presented by S. Smets.

  • Workshop on Logic and Communication in Multi - Agent Systems (LCMAS'04) affiliated to ESSLLI'04, Nancy, France, August 2004. Contributed paper (joint with B. Coecke and M. Sadrzadeh) "Algebra and Calculus for Epistemic Actions", presented by M. Sadrzadeh.

  • 2nd European Workshop on Multi - Agent Systems (EUMAS '04), Barcelona, Spain, December 2004. Contributed paper ``Reasoning about Dynamic Epistemic Logic" (joint with B. Coecke and S. Smets), presented by M. Sadrzadeh.

  • Workshop on Logic from Quantales, Oxford University, January 2005. Talk: "Quantum Dynamic Algebra".

  • 2nd Meeting on Algebraic and Topological Methods in Non-classical Logics, Barcelona, June 2005. Contributed talk: "The Logic of Quantum Information Flow".

  • Workshop on Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections (QICL'05), at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, Waterloo (Ontario), Canada, July 2005. Joint mini - course (with S. Smets) in Quantum Computation: "Quantum Dynamic Logic".

  • 3rd International Workshop on Logic and Communication in Multi - Agent Systems (LCMAS'05), affiliated to IJCAI'05 (19th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence), Herriot - Watt University, Edinburgh, August 2005. Contributed paper (joint with B. Coecke and M. Sadrzadeh) "The Algebra of Multi - Agent Dynamic Belief Revision", presented by M. Sadrzadeh.

  • Workshop on Belief Revision and Dynamic Logic, affiliated to ESSLLI '05, Edinburgh, August 2005. Contributed paper (joint with B. Coecke and M. Sadrzadeh) "The Algebra of Multi - Agent Dynamic Belief Revision", presented by M. Sadrzadeh.

  • 17th European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI 2005), Herriot - Watt University, Edinburgh, August 2005. Contributed chapter (including slides for presentation) to the course on "Dynamic Epistemic Logic" taught by H. van Ditmarsch and B. Kooi. My contribution was presented by J. Gerbrandy.

  • Fifth European Congress for Analytic Philosophy (ECAP 5) University of Lisbon, Portugal, 27-31 August 2005. Participant.

  • Workshop on Quantum Information: Logical and Epistemological Lessons, affiliated to ECAP 5, University of Lisbon, Portugal, 29 - 30 August 2005. Participant and contributed talk. My joint paper (with S. Smets) "What can Logic Learn from Quantum Mechanics?" was presented by S. Smets.

  • 18th European Summer School in Logic Language and Information (ESSLLI'06), University of Malaga, Spain, July - August 2006. Speaker and course organizer: I gave a series of 5 lectures, as a post-graduate course on "Logics for Quantum Information Flow". Joint work with S. Smets. Course available online.

  • Workshop on Rationality and Knowledge (RAK'06), affiliated with ESSLLI'06, University of Malaga, Spain, July - August 2006. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The 7th Conference on Logic and Foundations of Game Theory and Decision theory(LOFT'06), University of Liverpool, July 2006. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The 13th Workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation (WOLLIC'06), Stanford University, July 2006. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • 13th International Congress of Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, August 9 - 15, 2007. Presentation of contributed talk.

  • The Ninth Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge (TARK 9), June 25 - 27th, 2007, Brussels, Belgium. Presentation of two contributed talks.

  • Workshop on Logic and Intelligent Interaction, affiliated with ESSLLI'08, August 11 - 15, 2008 Hamburg. Contributed talk "Dynamic Rationality in Extensive Games" (joint work with S. Smets and J. Zvesper), presented by J. Zvesper.

  • The 8th Conference on Logic and Foundations of Game Theory and Decision theory (LOFT'08), University of Amsterdam, July 2008. Contributed paper "When All is Done and not (Yet) Said: Dynamic Rationality in Extensive Games" (joint work with S. Smets and J. Zvesper), presented by J. Zvesper.

  • Quantum Structures '08, the 9th Biennial Meeting of the Quantum Structures Association (IQSA), Sopot, Poland, July 2008. Contributed paper "The Logical Dynamics of Entanglement" (joint work with S. Smets), presented by S. Smets.

  • 16th workshop on Logic, Language, Information and Computation, WOLLIC, Tokyo, 21-24 juni 2009. Contributed paper "Learning by Questions and Answers: From Belief- Revision Cycles to Doxastic Fixed Points" (joint work with S. Smets).

  • Workshop on Theoretical Aspects of Rationality and Knowledge, TARK, Stanford, 6-8 July 2009. Contributed paper "Group Belief Dynamics under Iterated Revision: Fixed Points and Cycles of Joint Upgrades" (joint work with S. Smets).

  • European Summer School for Logic, Language and Information, ESSLLI 2009, Bordeaux 20-31 Juli, 2009. Post-graduate course given on "Dynamic Logics for Interactive Belief Revision". Joint work with S. Smets.

  • The Second Multi -Agent Logics, Languages, and Organisations Federated Workshops (FAMAS), Turin, Italy, 7-10 September, 2009. Contibuted paper on "Talking Your Way into Agreement: Belief Merge by Persuasive Communication" (joint work with S. Smets).