The 2nd P - Purpose

Plan P Philanthropreneuring 2015 - 2025

DIY Lesson #1 How To Find Effective Social Connections

Ever heard the phrase “You are known by the company You Keep”? Seems we all have at one time or another so what this section details is how to choose who One associates with in on line social communities. Since we focus on B4B (Business 4 Business) campaigns we thought that focusing on the 'Living CV' approach through my Linked In Profile would serve as a template worth Your review.

A few salient points:

    • We focus on the passion and vision aspects and contributions to good causes
    • The history lesson approach for most CV's are relegated to a lesser importance
    • Links to In Kind and Volunteerism are prominent

Take a peek at this link and perhaps Your online CV can become more vibrant and alive

We recommend that each interested party subscribe to changes below.

These are examples of our efforts along these lines. Please review and consider becoming a Share Giver to support our ongoing campaigns.

Updated 15 March 2016