The 1st P - People

People are the #1 Reason for being a Plan P Philanthropreneur. This section will include materials for review and coursework as contributed by third party visionaries so that we can share resources and redefine what a Hero or Shero is and How to Measure Success.

We recommend that each interested party subscribe to changes below.

7thGenerational.epub — On this pivotal day, we are pleased to announce an innovative Tutoring program which has a NEW approach to compensation called "Pay as You Grow". The basic premise is that You, as the student, will set the VALUE of each online learning hour with myself as the guide towards a fresh methodology we espouse called Philanthropreneuring. Each session, which follows the accelerated "Giving While Making a Living" path, as evidenced by this FreEbook4Good

7th Generationals Challenge.pdf

Welcome to a New Day in Business Development with a New Model called Plan P Philanthropreneuring. We are designing this model so that You can develop a new "Giving While Making a Living" source of income. We have all heard of Plan A and Plan B so now we leapfrog the classic definition of Business as Usual to reach Plan P Philanthropreneuring.