B4B Support Center

Our development model creates a NEW crowd funding process, called #crowdsharing , which supports the educational endowments for students of the "Giving While Making a Living" model, as a scholarship program. Each of these respective campaigns raises a set amount for specific aspects of our efforts with 88% of funding allocated to underwrite the teaching & tutoring system.

We hope You will consider participating as a ShareGiver by sending a link via Your social communities OR consider making a contribution to one of these campaigns.

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  • I am Patrick Dacre, a practicing 7th Generational Developer and Publisher. The idea here is to raise awareness and capital so that non-profits and charities can benefit through our growing team's efforts to effect massive change .
    • Simply sharing this link within Your communities is a good beginning.

7th Generation Academy for Givillionaires

Welcome to a brand new program called Givillionaires Academy. My name is Patrick and I'm a Practicing Philanthropreneur and this program is our answer to all the entrepreneurs in the world who are willing to be “Giving while making a Living."

The seed of this idea started about 10 years ago, when I was on Sabbatical in Hawaii. After seeing the Billionaire's pledge (http://givingpledge.org/) it seemed unusual that a small number of people who have accumulated wealth would be entitled to contribute just before they died to charities. Click here to participate in the "Givillionaires' Pledge"

The AdVentures of Benjjii 'A Change is Coming'

The current, circa Spring 2016, constant arguing about climate change, the causes and solutions, has left a huge gap in the center for Adapt ABILITIES education approaches. We feel that Mother Nature is speaking in clear terms AND wildlife are already migrating and ADAPTING to the coming changes.

Perhaps there are lessons on harmony, cooperation, and getting along with differences we can teach to three generations with our series of stories.

This story is about Adapting to Climate Change effects with cooperation and harmony being important values to finding a new way of living.

Each story is written in Globish (a simplified version of English) then translated with the Google Translate system, which means that each language edition can use some interpretation review.

Perhaps this language lesson can be helpful for Your classes to share among the children aged from 6 to 11 years of age, and with the help of the teacher, children can learn about good skills to adapt to the ongoing effects of climate change. Click here to participate http://bit.ly/UCanHelpBenjjii2014

We are looking to support Non Profits and charities with this campaign, and Your support will make it possible to do this as a contribution of our time. Please share this with your community