Research Lines

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Research Lines

Intelligent Information Resources Management and Intelligent knowledge Management have been interesting areas of Organization Engineering for a long time. XXI century companies face an uncertain and dynamic environment where technology and knowledge are core values ​​of the innovation process. However, the knowledge of technological developments in the world (external vector) is a complex process due to the large amount of information provided by technical and scientific bases, and also because of its international dimension. Moreover, there is a need to have effective management models to optimize the knowledge resource in organizations (internal vector)

TFM will lead the merger of Competitive Intelligence (CI) with knowledge Management (KM) because it requires an effective and professionalized model that enables decision-making in the competitive world supported by science. This model should be developed using three lines of business research:

Foresight. – To detect technologies in early stages of development. Its objective include; identification, retrieval and analysis of large quantity of information technology as well as its explotation to detect emerging and future technologies. Fields of work Technical Intelligence, Technology Forecasting, Technology Roadmapping and Technology Monitoring (Webscrapping)

Technology. - Applications of text mining technology (Text Mining Technology / Techmining) designed for the Technology Innovation Management. New tools and methods to automate the mining of the information technology in order to extract patterns and technological trends

Management. – The optimization of knowledge management as a key tool for innovation. The system should be provided with appropriate procedures and management tools particularly in organizations where there are many talented people who need to be integrated to "exploit" (a group of intelligent people are not necessarily intelligent). Therefore, we must combine internal knowledge gathering with competitive intelligence.


3D Printing - TFM collaborates with BPMSat and DIMA 3D companies in research projects in the area of 3D printing.

Encuesta fácil -TFM begins to collaborate with easy survey in the collection of project data.