Technology, Foresight, Management

Research Group

Industrial Organization and Management Engineering Department UPV/EHU

English | Español

Technology Foresight Management (TFM) research group was established within the department of Industrial Organization and Management Engineering at the University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU in 2005. There was founded in response to the natural join among different research lines started in 2005 and consolidated in the following years.

TFM's Lecturers, who are members of Industrial Organization and Management Engineering department, bring together their training and experience to investigate, develop and/or adapt the most advanced technology of industrial organization at the service of knowledge generation.

TFM is focused on data processing and data analysis, application of statistical methods, cluster analysis, multivariate statistical analysis, Delphi method, data-mining, tech-mining and techniques that combine both strategy and technology, such as technology roadmap. Their assimilation and their subsequent transfer provide the basis for making projects and offering companies the following consulting services:

  • Maps of Knowledge and Maps of Science. Views that provide new insights into the behavior of science, technology and market.

  • Recognition of Emerging Technologies or New Technologies that have not been applied in its field yet. Analysis of relevant information with regard to commercial and technological opportunity of a new technology that is going to be introduced into the market.

  • Foresight: characterization of the possible future scenarios.

Innovation Consulting. Implementation of R&D and Innovation Management system allows anycompany to systematize their R&D and Innovation activities and integrate them into the overall company management. UNE 166000 standard.

  • Consultancy Services regarding the Implementation of Competitive Intelligence System. Design of the structure, the listening process and environmental observation aid the decision-making process at all levels of the organization. UNE 166000 standard.

  • Consultancy Services for Developing Roadmaps that are aimed at making technology strategy.

Keyword map for the year 2002. Garechana et al. JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 66(7):1431–1446, 2015 DOI: 10.1002/asi

Iñaki Bildosola, Rosa María Río-Belver, Gaizka Garechana, Ernesto Cilleruelo, TeknoRoadmap, an approach for depicting emerging technologies, In Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 117, 2017, Pages 25-37, ISSN 0040-1625,

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