Franklin L. King

Franklin Lafayette King retired from Jacksonville State University as an Associate Vice President, Emeritus. In addition he is a Commander, USNR (Ret). He writes both poetry and longer works of fiction. As a native Texan, the land and people of that state continue to be a major influence in his works. Often featured in his writings are very personal experiences with danger, i.e., hurricanes, tornados, hostile fire, ghosts and dreams. Besides Texas, his writings are frequently set in the Deep South, Far East, the Caribbean, France and Ireland.

He was very much influenced by the works of the Impressionist. He often creates images for his covers that convey one or more elements of the story. His works include Hauntings of a Summer Moon, Sunflowers and Zinnias, The Poet Who Writes Upon Water, In the Shadow of Leaves, The Woman in the Window, The Seven Woods of Coole, Lost Graves and The story of James and other Writings – all published by Texture Press.