Anne Higgins

Anne Higgins teaches at Mount Saint Mary’s University in Emmitsburg Maryland. She is a member of the Daughters of Charity. Her poems have appeared in Commonweal, Yankee, Spirituality and Health, The Centrifugal Eye, and a variety of small magazines. Garrison Keillor has read two of her poems on “The Writers Almanac” – on 10/8/01 and 8/8/10. She is the author of seven collections of poetry. Her most recent book is Reconnaissance (Texture Press, 2014).

Life List is a forthcoming selection of Higgins from Finishing Line Press [].


Read "The Ghost Map" and "Named after Saints" in Press 1:

Read "Saliva" and "Tribute poem at Anne's Texture Press "Gallery" page:

Read a review of Reconnaissance at "Peeking Between the Pages" blog:

Read an interview with Anne at the E-Learning Queen blog: