What others report about Duluth abuser programmes


General observations about research about the feminist position is contained in the link in the next column. Murray Strauss was one of the first researchers into domestic abuse. His comments here are an indictment of feminist methods to dominate the whole agenda.

Graham-Kevan and Archer have produced research documenting the frequency of 4 different variations in in domestic abuse, whereby "common couple violence" is by far the most "common". Professor Michael P Johnson scores intimate terrorism by men at 7 per 1000 men before separation and for women 5 per 1000. Post separation these figures rise dramatically to 22.7% of separated men (presumably of about 10% of the population and 4.7%, presumably of a similar figure. The figures demonstrate a very clear similarity in "intimate terrorism" before separation and a very dramatic increase in "intimate terrorism" post separation. It will take research to establish why this is. But one very obvious candidate which would need to be evaluated is that children tend very strongly to be placed with their mothers. Many a father has, we submit, "nothing more to lose". With nothing more to lose he has nothing more to care about. So he cares about nothing, the consequences of which can be horrendous!

Thus, generally speaking, forcing or encouraging separation is a very dangerous strategy, although there will be clearly extreme cases where this is the best strategy. Attempting to force separation, paradoxically, is likely to encourage many couples to stay together!

If couples separate (through their choice) then that is the very time when an individual needs support "not to become an intimate terrorist". It is for this reason that effective work needs to have been undertaken with him (or with her) so that they will come back and take support from people that understand the enormous pain, in most cases, that this separation will be causing them. You could describe this as helping them to manage their GRIEF - rather than, as per Duluth and IDAP referring them back to their case manager (usually outside their group work) to deal with their emotions! After all for Duluth and IDAP the men are there to learn to manage their behaviour, not their emotions!


Dutton and Corvo



Feminism focuses on separation, advancing the notion that abusive men are incapable of change, visually the leopard with its spots, anecdotally Jekyll and Hyde - and the potion? In some cases women are "spirited away" into a REFUGE.

If your child went missing you would start looking, more or less panic stricken. If a man's partner / wife and children are "spirited away", without a clear message being left about their "safety" then clearly he will look, earnestly for them. This searching then, is obviously one form of "stalking"! The man is "Damned if he doesn't care enough to look" - and "damned" if he starts looking, "A stalker!"