IDEA - Paris 2013 - "An embodied approach: establishing a dialogue between neuroscience and arts education"

Post date: Jun 17, 2013 9:51:19 PM

Gabriele is talking on Wednesday 10 July at the round table on "An embodied approach: establishing a dialogue between neuroscience and arts education". Paris, Odéon Théâtre de l'Europe.

Theme 3 : An embodied approach: establishing a dialogue between neuroscience and arts education

The most recent research in neuroscience highlights the somatic and emotional basis of all forms of knowledge. It seems to confirm the intuitions of artists and pedagogues who value the aesthetic dimensions of feeling and moving in an approach through drama and dance

9.30 am to 10.30 am


Alain Berthoz, Professeur honoraire de la Chaire de physiologie de la perception et de l'action du Collège de France, Membre de l'Académie des sciences - Collège de France

11 am to 12.30 am

Round table n° 2 To what extent has research in neuroscience revolutionised our conceptions of education ?

What are the contributions that neuroscience makes to drama-based pedagogical approaches and the training of artists and teachers ? This roundtable highlights different perspectives surrounding the notions of intersubjectivity, kinesthetic empathy, and change in viewpoint through artistic practices.


- Alain Berthoz,

- Rhonda Blair, metteur en scène, actrice et chercheur à Meadows School of the Arts. Présidente de l’« American Society for Theatre Research » de 2009 à 2012. Elle est auteur du best seller « The actor, image, and action : acting and cognitive neuroscience », Etats-Unis

- John Schranz, Professeur d’études théâtrales à l'Université de Malte. Responsable de plusieurs projets de recherche qui lient performance et neurosciences cognitives, Malte

- Gabriele Sofia, chercheur en études théâtrales et ethnoscénologie, lie la pratique de l’acteur et les neurosciences, Université la Sapienza, Italie

- Emmanuelle Vo Dinh, chorégraphe, direction du Centre chorégraphique national du Havre Haute-Normandie, France

Moderators : Joëlle Aden, Professeure en sciences du langage, Université du Maine, France and Bérangère Thirioux, docteur en neurosciences, Division of Mind and Brain Research. Charité, Universitätsmedizin Berlin, Germany.
