Conference on "Drama and Philosophy", Lisbon, Portugal

Post date: Jan 13, 2013 11:28:48 PM

Gabriele is talking on Thursday 17th January at the Conference on "Drama and Philosophy" organized by the Instituto de Filosofia da Linguagem of th Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal.


17 January | 9.30 - 10h | Auditorium 1 - Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Opening, with UNL Vice-Rector, FCSH Director, IFL Director and Conference Coordinator

10 - 11h | Martin Puchner (keynote speaker) | Wittgenstein’s Dramatic Heirs

11 - 12h | Maria Filomena Molder (keynote speaker) | The dramatic pattern of the Wittgensteinian language-games


12 - 13h | Rui Bertrand Romão | Drama in the philosophical work of Iris Murdoch

Laura Cull | What is Performance Philosophy?


14 - 17.30h | Two parallell sessions | Panel A | Auditorium 1 | UNL

Sinead Hogan | The theatre of authorship: the absent mise-en-scène or Derrida between Mallarmé and Beckett.

Tom Stern | Progress, stagnation and repetition in philosophy and drama

Dina Mendonça | Looking for surprise: insights from drama and philosophy

Vanessa Brito | La dramatisation de la pensée (in French)

Bartholomew Ryan | Kierkegaard’s Mellemspil, or the performance in philosophy

Costica Bradatan | Philosophy as performance

14 - 17.30h | Two parallell sessions | Panel B | Auditorium 2 | UNL

José Maria Vieira Mendes | Theatre is not a space of equality. On theatre and literature

Claudio Rozzoni | The essence of theatre between reality and unreality

Gabriele Sofia | Theatre, Phenomenology and Neurosciences

Ana Pais | “Almost imperceptible rhythms and stuff like that”: the power of affects in live performance

Teresa Pedro | The idea of drama in F. W. J. Schelling’s interpretation of Greek tragedy (in French)

Bruno C. Duarte | Pasolini’s Tragic Chorus

Kélina Gotman | The Real and Its Doubles: Theatre, Philosophy & Change

18.00h - 19.00h | Auditorium 1 | UNL | Herbert Blau (keynote speaker) | The Metaphysical Fight: Performative Politics and the Virus of Alienation

20.00h | Conference Dinner at Restaurant Gôndola

18 January | 9.30 - 10.30h | Room 2 - Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian

José Pedro Serra | Tragedy and Wisdom

Cláudia Madeira | Hybris and Mimesis in contemporary performance art

11 - 12h | Freddie Rokem (keynote speaker) | The Logic of/in Tragedy: Antigone and Oedipus Tyrannos


12h - 13h | Paulo Filipe Monteiro | Objective subjectivity


14.30 - 16.30h | Nuno Nabais | Deleuze and the idea of a theatre without image

Ana Godinho | Drama and the specification of the concept

(in French)


17.00h - 18.00h | José Gil (keynote speaker) | Deleuze, Derrida, Artaud: body and writing (in French)

19 January | 9.00 - 13.00h | Panel C | Auditorium 1 | UNL

Portuguese-Brazilian Panel on Performance and Philosophy

(in Portuguese):

Ana Bigotte Vieira | Ideias de Europa para ideias de teatro?

Verônica Fabrini | Ao sul da cena

Cláudia Petrina Leite da Silva | Por um corpo cénico em devir e suas ressonâncias: o ateliê coreográfico do Rio de Janeiro

Robson Carlos Haderchpek | O mito e o simbólico no espectáculo Santa Cruz do Não Sei

Melissa Lopes | Encontros Íntimos: a relação entre o dentro e o fora no trabalho de criação do ator

Antônio Flávio Alves Rabelo | Linhas de emissão de forças, diferenciação e espelhamento

Maria Beatriz Mendonça | Étienne Decroux e Georges Bataille: diálogos possíveis sobre a arte soberana

Ana Clara Cabral Amaral | Laços entre o desejo e a imaginação no corpo-em-arte

Patrícia Leonardelli | Corpo da consciência e possíveis dramaturgias da memória que dança