Debate Information

Hashtag for all social media posts is #mhsapgopo

Today's Meet is a weaksauce twitter-type place to post comments.  You don't need to sign up for anything.  Use your real name so I can check who gets credit.  Link is here.

If you have a twitter account, you can follow people using #mhsapgopo here at tweetchat.  

Here are the Research Teams as we watch in the library.  You are responsible for following their social media / blogs / websites AS THE DEBATE GOES ON.  

--Team Clinton (H Clinton, T Kaine, B Clinton, B Obama, M Obama, J Biden, H Reid, N Pelosi, C Schumer, J Podesta, R Mook, J Palmieri)

--Team Trump (D Trump, M Pence, I Trump, M McConnell, P Ryan, T Cruz, C Christie, B Carson, S Bannon, K Conway)

--New York Times live blog / fact check

--Politico live blog / fact check live blog / fact check

--The Conservative Media (Breitbart / Drudge Report / Fox News)

--The Liberal Media (Huffington Post / Daily Kos / MSNBC)
