2016 Budget Activity

--Read this NYTimes article from 2010, either online or the pdf


--You can work either alone (you are the President) or in pairs (one of you is the President, the other is the White House Chief of Staff).  You have been working with the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for the past six months about what programs to pay for and which programs to decrease funding for.  You need to find $1.345 trillion in budget savings.  You'd also like to keep your job and get re-elected.  

--Each budget cut will make someone unhappy.  Your decisions will hurt people.  Some of your decisions will make Americans' lives better.  Good luck.  

--There are only two ways to balance the budget.  You can cut programs.  Or you can raise taxes.  Or some combination of both.

--On your paper, each square you fill in next to the category should also be filled in on the huge grid.  You are trying to fill in the whole thing.  I'd use a pencil.

--"earmarks" are federal projects brought home to districts.  Like the BART extension to San Jose.  (See: porkbarrel)

--"cap medicare growth" -- make it more difficult for poor people to get medical care.  Either through making it harder to qualify, paying less of the bill, or making prescriptions more expensive.

--Friday, you will give a speech announcing your budget to the American People.  You need to "sell" your plan to the public.  You need to write out a speech using flowery, political language.  How will you speak to the nation about the tough choices you've made? How can you do the important work of balancing the budget and also keep your high public approval rating?  You need to be able to defend your choices if asked at the post-speech press conference.  The rest of the class will act as a skeptical press corps.  

--Work product due Friday:  

1) a 45 -- 60 second speech announcing your budget to the American people.  Chiefs of Staff will stand beside you whispering advice as needed.  This speech includes the "highlights" of your longer, written speech.  You will speak in random order;  

2a) President: A 300 word written speech outlining as much of your budget as possible.  You are trying to be persuasive as you speak to a non-trusting public.  This assignment is in Google Classroom.

2b) Chief of Staff:  A 300 word written "memo" to your best friend (POTUS), offering suggestions on how to sell your budget, or language s/he could use.  You've been hearing from all the PACs about what their priorities are.  You've been hearing from people both angry and happy about the President's budget.  What advice do you offer?  

Google Classroom has the written assignment posted.