
Check out the latest updates and accomplishments from our lab!


May - Congratulations to Brooke Buckley for recently passing her midpoint project proposal!

April - Aglaia Margaris and Brooke Buckley had a poster accepted to the APA 2024 Conference. Congrats!


November - Brooke Buckley presented a poster at the 39th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies which was held in Los Angeles, California from November 1st to November 4th. 

September - Brooke Buckley had a poster accepted to the 39th Annual Meeting of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Congratulations, Brooke! 

August - The TCRG lab welcomed our newest PhD student, Aglaia Margaris. Welcome, Aglaia!

August - Cece Olin successfully completed her internship and graduated with her PhD in Clinical Psychology. Congratulations, Dr. Olin!

June - Cece Olin successfully defended her doctoral dissertation! Congrats, Cece!

May - Cameron Quan successfully defended his thesis and graduated with a Masters of Science in General Psychology. Congratulations, Cameron!

February - Happy Match Day! Cece Olin was successfully matched for internship at the Milwaukee VA Medical Center! Congratulations and good luck, Cece!

January - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy was awarded a Graduate Psychology Education grant from the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA). This grant will provide two additional years of funding for our training program in the area of assessment and treatment of substance use disorders. Congrats, Meghan!

January - Mya Bowen published a first authored publication in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease! Co-authors include lab members Cece Olin, Brooke Buckley, and Dr. McDevitt-Murphy. Congratulations, Mya!


November - Brooke Buckley presented a poster at the 56th Annual Convention for the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies!

October - Brooke Buckley passed her thesis defense and has completed the requirements for her Master's degree! Great job, Brooke!

August - Taylor Flowers joined the TCRG lab as the newest doctoral student. Welcome, Taylor!

July - Cece Olin published a first-authored paper based on her mid-point project in the Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. Co-authors included Sam Leonard and Dr. McDevitt-Murphy. Congrats, Cece!  

May - Becky Zakarian successfully completed her internship and graduated with her PhD in Clinical Psychology. Congratulations, Dr. Zakarian!

April - Cece Olin published a first-authored article based on her master’s thesis in the Journal of Traumatic Stress. Co-authors included lab member Becky Zakarian and Dr. McDevitt-Murphy. Congrats, Cece!


September - Cece Olin successfully proposed her dissertation. Congratulations, Cece!

August - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy was awarded the Distinguished Researcher Award by the University of Memphis College of Arts and Sciences. Congratulations!

August - Missy Naumer and Cameron Quan joined the TCRG lab. Welcome, Missy and Cameron!

May - Cece Olin successfully defended her mid-point project. Amazing job, Cece!

February - Brooke Buckley has accepted an offer to stay in the TCRG lab as our newest doctoral student! Welcome to the program, Brooke!

February - Happy Match Day! Becky Zakarian was successfully matched for internship at the VA Boston Health Care System with the Center for Returning Veterans! Congratulations and good luck, Becky!

February - Brooke Buckley passed her thesis proposal. Great job, Brooke!


August - Brooke Buckley and Mya Bowen each had a poster accepted to the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Congrats!

August - Matt Luciano graduated after successfully defending his dissertation entitled, "Reducing Hazardous Drinking Among Veterans with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder Using a Brief Alcohol Intervention and Avoidance-Focused Feedback"! Congratulations, Dr. Luciano!!

April - Mya Bowen had a poster accepted to ResilienceCon 2020. Congratulations!

April - Brooke Buckley presented a poster at the 2020 Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction Annual Meeting. Congratulations!


December - Brooke Buckley had a poster accepted to the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction conference. Congrats!

August - Cece Olin had a poster accepted to the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Congrats!

August - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy was awarded a $1M grant from the Health and Services Administration (HRSA) to train future behavioral health services providers in substance abuse and opioid treatment, in partnership with Church Health Center and UT Health Science Center for Addiction! Congratulations on this HUGE accomplishment, Meghan!

June - Matt Luciano, Sam Acuff, and Dr. McDevitt-Murphy published an article in Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology!

June - Brooke Buckley accepted an offer to join the MSGP program and has joined the TCRG lab. Welcome, Brooke!

May - Sam Leonard and Madeline Voss successfully defended their theses and graduated with a Masters of Science in General Psychology. Congratulations!

May - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy, Becky Zakarian, Matt Luciano, and Cece Olin published an article in the Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse.

April - Becky Zakarian, Megan Avery, and Dr. McDevitt-Murphy had an article accepted to the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy. Great work!

March - Matt Luciano won the Morton Dissertation Award!

March - Cece Olin had a poster accepted to the Research Society on Alcoholism. Congrats!!

March - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy, Rebecca Zakarian, Matthew Luciano, CeCe Olin, and Noel Mazzulo had an article accepted to Journal of Ethnicity in Substance Abuse!

March - Sam Leonard accepted an offer to attend the University of Houston Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program starting in the 2019-2020 academic year!

February - Mya Bowen has accepted an offer to join the TCRG lab as our newest doctoral student! Welcome to the lab, Mya!

February - Happy Match Day! Matt Luciano was successfully matched for internship at the San Diego VA Healthcare System/San Diego Consortium! Good luck, Matt!!


December - Rebecca Zakarian had a first-authored journal article accepted at the Journal of Loss and Trauma.

November - Members of the TCRG lab presented their work at the annual conferences of the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies, and the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies.

August - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy was honored with the Jack and Jane Morris Professorship. Congrats, Meghan! 

August - Jessica Tripp graduated with her PhD in clinical psychology. Congratulations, Dr. Tripp!

July - Matt Luciano received the prestigious Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Predoctoral Fellowship (F31 grant)! His project is titled, "Reducing hazardous drinking and PTSD-related avoidance through a brief alcohol intervention with an avoidance-focused feedback supplement."

June - Rebecca Zakarian and Sam Leonard both had posters accepted to the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. Great job!

June - Matt Luciano had a symposium presentation accepted to the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies titled, "Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Alcohol Misuse: Understanding Comorbidity Through the Lens of Behavioral Economics". He will also be the chair of this symposium!

June - Matt Luciano had a panel presentation accepted to the International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies titled, "Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About Getting into Graduate School and Beyond: Perspectives on Early Career in Traumatic Stress Studies".

June - Cece Olin and Dr. McDevitt-Murphy both had symposium presentations accepted to the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies!

June - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy has started her new position as Director of Clinical Training for the Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program!

May - Nicole Mazzulo and Ansley Kenney successfully defended their theses and graduated with a Masters of Science in General Psychology. Congratulations!

April - Rebecca Zakarian proposed her thesis, "Understanding PTSD, Aggression, and Shame Among Post-9/11 Veterans".

February - Jessica Tripp accepted a postdoc position at the Interprofessional Advanced Fellowship in Addiction Treatment at UCSD and the San Diego VA! Good luck, Jess!

February - Matt Luciano, Dr. McDevitt-Murphy, Sam Acuff, Ben Bellet, and Jessica Tripp had a paper accepted to Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy. Great work, team!


December - Sam Acuff, Matt Luciano, and Dr. McDevitt-Murphy had a paper accepted by the journal Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology!

November - Jessica Tripp successfully defended her dissertation, "Using Latent Variable Mixture Modeling To Understand Differences Between PTSD And Moral Injury."

October - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy, Matt Luciano, and Becky Zakarian had a symposium accepted to ADAA!

September - Matt Luciano was just elected for a two-year term as the ISTSS Student Section Chair, an ex-officio Board position! 

September - Nichole Mazzulo had a poster accepted to the STRONGSTAR Combat PTSD Conference.

September - Matt Luciano and Nichole Mazzulo had a poster accepted to the ABCT Trauma and PTSD Special Interest Group.

August - Matt Luciano resubmitted his F-31 grant to NIAAA. Good luck, Matt!

June - Becky Zakarian, Cecilia Olin, and Nichole Mazzulo each had posters accepted to ISTSS.

May - Ben Bellet successfully defended his thesis and graduated with a Masters of Science in General Psychology. Congratulations, Ben!

March - Cecilia Olin has officially accepted an offer to join the Trauma and Coping Research Group as our newest doctoral student. Welcome to Memphis, Cecilia!

March - Ben Bellet accepted an offer at Harvard University for their Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program! Best of luck, Ben!

February - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy was recognized by The University of Memphis as a PI Millionaire.

February - Happy Match Day! Jessica Tripp was successfully matched for internship at the VA San Diego Healthcare System/University of California, San Diego Consortium!


December - Matt Luciano defended his midpoint project, a training grant (NIH F31) to develop and test a brief intervention focused on reducing alcohol and PTSD-related avoidance. Matt will submit this grant to NIAAA in early December.

November - Jessica Tripp won a $1000 APA Dissertation Award. Way to go, Jess!

November - Ben Bellet successfully defended his thesis project!

November - Matt Luciano passed his midpoint proposal! Phenomenal job, Matt!

November - Matt Luciano presented his findings on PTSD symptoms change after a brief intervention at ISTSS.

October - Ben Bellet and Matt Luciano both presented posters at ABCT this month.

August - Jasmine Eddinger successfully defended her thesis and graduated with a Masters of Science in General Psychology. Congratulations, Jasmine!

August - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy, Matt Luciano, Jessica Tripp, and Jasmine Eddinger had a paper accepted to Addictive Behaviors titled, "Drinking Motives and PTSD-Related Alcohol Expectancies Among Combat Veterans."

July - Jasmine Eddinger and Matt Luciano both had posters accepted to ISTSS and have both been selected to present at the welcome reception.

June - Matt Luciano had a poster presented at the Research Society for Alcoholism.

June - Matt Luciano had a manuscript accepted to The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease titled, "Posttraumatic stress and physical health functioning: Moderating effects of deployment and postdeployment social support in OEF/OIF/OND Veterans."

April - Ben Bellet and Matt Luciano both had posters accepted to ABCT.

April - Jasmine Eddinger officially passed her thesis defense and earned her Master's degree! Fantastic work, Jasmine!

April - Matt Luciano passed his thesis defense and has completed the requirements for his Master's degree! Great job, Matt!

March - Rebecca Zakarian has officially accepted an offer to join the Trauma and Coping Research Group as our newest doctoral student. Welcome to the lab, Rebecca!

March - Jessica Tripp presented a poster at the Collaborative Perspectives on Addiction conference in San Diego, CA.

February - Jasmine Eddinger has recently accepted an offer at the University of Missouri - Kansas City for their Clinical Psychology Doctoral Program. Great job Jasmine!

January - Jessica Tripp had a paper accepted at Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior titled, "Trauma-related guilt mediates the relationship between PTSD and suicidal ideation in OEF/OIF/OND veterans."

January - Congratulations to Matt Luciano on passing his thesis proposal! Fantastic job!!


December - Congratulations to Jasmine Eddinger for recently passing her thesis proposal!

November - Jasmine Eddinger, Matt Luciano, and Jess Tripp all presented posters and presentations at ABCT and ISTSS this month!

November - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy was inducted as Fellow of the Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies!

October - Matt Luciano accepted a position as the Student Co-chair for the ISTSS Internet and Technology Special Interest Group!

August - Aisling Hensch graduated with a Masters of Science in General Psychology. Congratulations, Aisling!

July - Congratulations to Aisling Henschel who successfully defended her thesis, "How do aftermath of battle experiences affect returning OEF/OIF soldiers?"

July - Matt Luciano had a panel and a poster accepted at ISTSS!

June - Dr. McDevitt-Murphy's grant application, "A Behavioral Economic Analysis of PTSD Using Ecological Momentary Assessment" was recommended for funding by the Consortium to Alleviate PTSD!

June - Aisling Henschel accepted a position at the Medical University of South Carolina as a Project Manager!

May - Matt Luciano and Aisling Henschel both had posters accepted to ABCT.

May - Megan Avery graduated with her PhD in clinical psychology. Congratulations, Dr. Avery!

May - Jessica Tripp had a symposium accepted at ABCT!

April - Aisling Henschel won the MSGP Program Director’s Award!

February - Megan Avery accepted a position in the Aronov-Morgan Practice!

February - Joah Williams accepted a tenure track position as an Assistant Professor at the University of Missouri - Kansas City's Clinical Psychology Program!


November - Megan Avery successfully defended her dissertation, "Using Latent Variable Mixture Modeling to Understand Trauma-Related Outcomes"!

November - The TCRG had several posters presented this month at both ISTSS and ABCT.

August - The publication VA Research Currents featured a summary of some of our recent work on brief alcohol interventions! 

August - Jordan Fields graduated with his PhD in clinical psychology. He will serve as a clinical psychologist in the United States Air Force and will be stationed at Wilford Hall Ambulatory Surgical Center at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio.

August - Joah Williams received a Loan Repayment Award from NIH!

August - Best wishes to Megan Avery as she begins her internship at Butner Federal Correctional Complex!

May - Melissa Smith successfully defended her thesis and graduated with a  Masters of Science in General Psychology. Congratulations, Melissa!

February - Matthew Luciano has accepted an offer to join TCRG as a clinical psychology doctoral student!


August - Katherine Bracken graduated with her PhD in clinical psychology. Congratulations, Dr. Bracken!

August - Christopher Monahan graduated with his PhD in clinical psychology. Congratulations, Dr. Monahan!

August - Joah Williams graduated with his PhD in clinical psychology. Congratulations, Dr. Williams!