About Me

My name is Jessica Freeman, and I have been married to my wonderful husband, Daniel, since July, 2010. We have a wonderful son who was born on Friday the 13th of September in 2013. Pretty lucky if you ask me.

I graduated from Brigham Young University in April, 2013 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Mathematics Education.

When I was in elementary school and middle school, math was a very difficult subject for me. I was always behind my classmates, and I always needed extra help to succeed. When I got to my first year of high school something finally clicked in my brain, and math made sense. I became one of the top students in all of my math classes for the rest of high school. Because I have experienced both sides of the coin, loving and hating math, I want to help other students get through their struggles to the other side where they will begin to love it. I know what it feels like to struggle and to not understand what the rest of your classmates seem to be understanding with ease. Because of this, I have a lot of patience because I want a student to really understand what they are studying, not just learn it for the test. I also want to help the people who already understand math to become even better, and to love it.