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Thursday, January 12, 2012

Started by introducing parts of the navigator system for they calculator.

Then group introduced the “get started” part of calculator manual.

Then group introduced calculating with the scratchpad.

How would you present these calculators to your class if we had our own classroom set? would you spend a day just working on learning the calculator, or spread out the learning? -that will depend on what you want to do with the calculators. if you want them to have it all the time to use, then yes, teach now, if you want it just for an assignment, then just show how to use for that assignment.

Circular geoboard online. Draw a right triangle. Prove that it’s a right triangle.

Now draw a trianlge with the smallest angle that you can create on the geoboard

Measure of the angle is half the angle of the arc (drawing a trangle on the circular geoboard).

find the smallest angle you can find on the geoboard. We didn’t address the answer, but he knew that we would look at a certain triangle and that was the triangle he wanted us to look at.