Archived News/Press

April 21, 2013

If you haven't been to any of my improv class shows before, these next two, on April 28 and May 3 at The PIT in NYC, are definitely ones to see. A truly talented group of people, coached by Pat Shay (and also, probably my last improv shows for a while). Tickets here.

January 7, 2013

TWO class shows at The PIT for my Level 3 class, coached by Chris Griggs. The first is on January 19, and if you miss that you can catch the one on January 26. Click here for tickets (in New York, as always).

September 28, 2012

More improv at The PIT! My Level 2 class, coached by Geoff Grimwood, is taking place on October 2 in New York. Tickets here.

July 7, 2012

I'm taking my first formal stab at improv next week at The PIT in New York City. If you're a kind-hearted soul, please come out and support my class show, coached by Nate Starkey, on July 14. Tickets here.

March 30, 2012

MERGER!!! I'm very pleased that SAG and AFTRA are now SAG-AFTRA. Now, where's Equity ...?

March 4, 2012

I've slapped together a short video explaining my support for the possible merger of SAG and AFTRA, viewable here. It marks my first foray into filmmaking and editing (and looks like it). Still, it's for a noble cause.

March 15, 2011

I've just completed a brand-new commercial voiceover demo with Emmy-winning producer Rudy Gaskins and engineer Anthony Erice at Gramercy Post. Many thanks to them and to my astounding voiceover coach, Joan Baker.

April 16, 2010

I've changed my union name from Melanie G. Tatum, which I found a bit awkward, to Tatum Garnett. It's still basically my name, just in reverse.

I'll be making all the necessary adjustments to the web site, headshots, etc., in the coming weeks. Sorry for any confusion.

April 1, 2009

I'm very pleased to announce that I've won a storytelling competition, Stories for the Hairdresser, held in Brooklyn last night (no fooling!). The competition involved stories about hair, and my winning story involved some of my experiences as a natural redhead. Top prize was a gift certificate to the Bodhi Salon in Brooklyn, a most excellent establishment. I'll try to post the text of my story sometime soon.

UPDATE: click here for story text.

November 21, 2008At long last, I've joined the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists! Unfortunately, the name I wanted to use, Melanie Tatum, currently is being used by someone else. So, for now I'm going with Melanie G. Tatum, at least until I can figure out something better.

I remain a membership candidate with Actors' Equity, and at present can only dream of joining the Screen Actors' Guild. One day, perhaps...

January 5, 2007

The Law & Order episode that I taped last November, "Remains of the Day", is scheduled to air tonight (check your local listings). Unless I've been edited out, you should be able to spot me in some of the courtroom scenes near the end.

May 14, 2006

Subscribers to The New York Times Sunday section might have noticed a vaguely familiar, albeit blurry, figure in the photo on the front page of the Real Estate section today. If the James Joyce t-shirt didn't convince you already, I can now confirm that the figure is yours truly. Many thanks to fellow W&M alum Brian Lewis, a real estate broker and a fine actor in his own right, for the call.
