

Research areas:

Transportations engineering in general, air traffic management, human factors, ATM operations in volcanic ash episodes, airport design, logistics/supply chain management, intelligent transportation systems, fast-time simulation, diffusion of innovation and survey design and administration.

Workshops, conferences, associations:

Vice-chair of the SESAR JU Scientific Committee.

Member of AV060 Airfield and Airspace Performance Committee of Transportation Research Board.

Friend of and AV040 Aviation Economics and Forecasting Committee of Transportation Research Board.

Organised Engage KTN Thematic Challenge 3 - Efficient provision and use of MET information in ATM workshops (4 editions), Series of SESAR Scientific Committee workshops: ”Cybersecurity in ATM”, ATM cyber-security - the industry perspective (webinar), Meteorological Technology World Expo (moderator and panellist)

Member of the Advisory Board of EUNADICS-AV project.

Member of the SESAR Innovation Days 2011, 2012, 2013, 2017, 2020 and 2021 programme committee.

Program committee member of HCI-Aero 2012 conference.

Participating in the International Summer Research Workshop in Venice, focusing on doing global value chains (GVC) analysis and using it to better understand the links between local systems and the global economy.





ADAPT: Advanced prediction models for flexible trajectory-based operations,

Engage KTN:


SATURN: Strategic Allocation of Traffic Using Redistribution in the Network. Website:

ACCESS: Application of Agent-Based Computational Economics to Strategic Slot Allocation. Website:

TTRANS: Upbringing innovative ITS products and services to the markets. Website:

EURIDICE: EURopean Inter-Disciplinary research on Intelligent Cargo for Efficient, safe and environment-friendly logistics.

Automation Adoption and Adaptation in the Air Traffic Control.

PeMS: analyzing Freeway Performance Measurement System (PeMS) training requirements for PeMS training in Caltrans Districts.


2019 Panelist in "Global research collaboration and championing young talent in aviation" panel at 9th SESAR Innovation Days conference

2018 Moderator for "Women in aviation research" panel at 8th SESAR Innovation Days conference

2008 Invited talk: "Women in technical science research", Conference on Creative women in science and public life", Ljubljana, Slovenia, May 2008

2005 Best paper award in the Human Factors category at the 6th ATM R&D conference for: “User Request Evaluation Tool (URET) Adoption and Adaptation: Three Center Case Study”

2005 Invited talk: “Automation Adoption and Adaptation, URET Case Study”, Eurocontrol Research Center, Bretigny sur Orge, January 5th 2005

2003 An honorable mention in the Centers of Excellence (COE) Student Paper Competition on Future Air Transportation System, for: “Learning from Technology Insertion”