Brazil and international security challenges

Regionalism and Disarmament: Insights from South America

European Union Institute for Security Studies (EUISS), Paris, 2011

This research project draws on previous works on regional cooperation and trust-building in the South Cone. Carried out under the supervision of Dr. Jean Pascal Zanders, this work seeks to analyze to what extent and though which means regional powers may contribute to the strengthening of disarmament and non-proliferation regimes. The research was based on archival research, semi-structured interviews with representatives from Brazil, Argentina, Cuba and the EU, and observations during the 7th Review Conference on the Convention on Biological Weapons (BTWC) that took place in Geneva in November 2011.

History of Nuclear Power in Brazil

Getulio Vargas Foundation (CPDOC/FGV), Rio de Janeiro, 2009-2011

Supported by Brazilian entity FINEP (Brazilian Agency for Innovation), this two-year project (2009-2011) consists on the collection and edition of primary sources obtained through 100 hours of filmed oral history interviews with key figures from various backgrounds (engineers, politicians, diplomats, scientists, military officials) who have proved relevant to Brazilian nuclear policy since the 1950s. As a research assistant to this project, I was responsible for preparing and conducting the interviews; this process involves extensive biographic research on Brazilian industrial, scientific and defense policies, which was carried out by a team of two PhDs, two Master students and one undergraduate student, in addition to the project coordinator. I was also responsible for editing part of the interviews for eventual publication. The project has provided me with the opportunity to take part in international events related no non-proliferation and to disseminate the results of such works through publication in collective publications and peer reviewed journals (see list of publications).

During that two year period I took part in other research initiatives carried out at CPDOC. These activities allowed me to organize and participate in a number of academic and policy events such as the ECPR General Conference in Reykjavik - where I co-chaired a panel on EU and effective multilateralism with Dr. Elena Lazarou, and the ISA Conference in Montreal in 2011.

International Insertion of Brazilian Security

Center for the Studies of the Americas (CEAs), Rio de Janeiro, 2000-2003

The project was supported by the Konrad Adenauer Foundation (KAS) and aimed at promoting a more comprehensive and deep understanding of international security, and to promote the debate around security and defense strategies in Brazil. Which role Brazil exercises in the present international system? Which world views and paradigms guide foreign and security policies? Which factors threaten peace and stability in the present South American and hemispheric contexts? The project has allowed for the development of discussion fora, conferences and publications.