Visitor's comments

We have had a Comments Book at the picnic shelter since late 2010, and have encouraged visitors to pass on their views and reactions. And it’s fair to say that we have been surprised, and touched, at the quality of the comments. We get quite a few from overseas visitors, many from interstate visitors, and plenty from ‘locals’. There are recurring themes of surprise (at finding such a place here), of peacefulness and tranquillity, of admiration and of gratitude. Here are a few examples.

A gem of a place to enjoy a quiet sit and cup of tea. Thank you so much. ‘This is my father’s world, and to my listening ear, all nature sings and around me rings, the music of the spheres’. Two South Africans.

Felt really at home here – with the rain, frogs calling, very atmospheric. Such a huge amount of work. Well done all! Julie, Northern Ireland.

You have created a wonderfully tranquil spot, full of interesting statues and walk areas of interest to visiting tourists. Hope this is a lasting memorial to all your hard work and endeavour. Manchester, UK.

A truly wonderful achievement – especially for the UK visitor. Group from UK.

What a marvellous place – and a fantastic achievement. We arrived in Hobart from Cornwall UK yesterday, and this is our first ’countryside’ stop. Thank you for the garden – and the education – fabulous! Smiths, England

These are amazing gardens. The concept, the planning, the execution. Your group of volunteers have done a remarkable job. Will spread the word in SE Queensland on what you have achieved. Rick, Queensland.

A beautifully peaceful paradise. Fantastic foresight & teamwork. Congratulations on this unique initiative. Tasmania continues to delight us at every turn. We will return. Margaret and Geoff, Sydney.

BRAVO! To all volunteers for this vision & dedication. Stand tall and proud you made it! We loved everything: the walks (did the lot), the plants, the landscaping, the signs (clearly visible), the info, the shelter, the toilets, the sculptures, the waterfall, the quarry ... What a great place! We are from Queensland & this place reminded us of Maroochy Botanic Gardens: same sort of setting & philosophy, sculptures, all done by volunteers ... We’ll promote your garden as a ‘must see’ in Tassie. Keep up the excellent work, & congratulations. Herman & Veronique, Mackay, Qld.

What a jewel of Tasmania! A credit to all who worked on this little sanctuary. I will return and show my grandchildren how lucky they are to have this on their doorstep. A wonderful learning experience of Tasmanian flora & fauna. Berriedale, Tas.

From convict labour of blood and sweat, you’s have done it for love! Anonymous, Tas.

What a glorious place to spend a birthday picnic! Cannot wait to bring my partner, friends & family back. Thank you for this generous & beautiful contribution to Tasmania nature ... Astrid, Melbourne.