Donations, Funding & Membership

The development of the Tasmanian Bushland Garden has been entirely funded by donations and grants. We rely on donations and the generosity of members and the public to keep the gardens functioning, to allow for further developments, and to make purchases such as the sculptures.

Donation Boxes are located at the Picnic Shelter and beside the access road near the entry, and we encourage visitors to support us in this way. Donations can also be made by mail to: The Treasurer, Tasmanian Bushland Garden, 642 Bream Creek Road, Bream Creek, Tasmania 7175.

Donations are tax-deductible, as we are a registered Environmental Organisation, so if you care to leave your name and address with your donation, we will send you a receipt so you can claim on your tax.

Membership of the Tasmanian Bushland Garden Inc is also available to individuals or families, and we welcome New Members. Membership Application Forms are available online here. Individual membership costs $20 per year, and family/group membership costs $35 per year. Members are kept in touch with events and developments through our newsletter which is published 3 times per year.  Members are welcome to participate in working bees and other functions at the gardens.

Membership application form can be downloaded here.