Articles of Association And Bylaws

Article I. The name of the organization shall be the Tanzanian Studies Association, hereafter referred to as TSA. The TSA is designated an unincorporated nonprofit association under the laws of the State of Texas.

Article II. TSA is an independent professional society established in the United States that is open to all scholars with an interest in Tanzania.

Section 1. Non-Profit Status

1. This association is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, including, for such purposes, the making of distributions to organizations that qualify as exempt organizations under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or the corresponding section of any future United States Internal Revenue law.

2. Upon the winding up and dissolution of the association, after paying or adequately providing for the debts and obligations of the association, the remaining assets shall be distributed for one or more exempt purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or the corresponding section of any future federal tax code.

Article III. The aims of the organization are the following:

1. To promote scholarly research in all areas and disciplines of the social sciences, natural sciences, and humanities about Tanzania.

2. To encourage international cooperation and facilitate the exchange of ideas and meaningful dialogue among persons engaged in research on Tanzania.

3. To encourage the publication and dissemination of scholarly and artistic works as well as primary sources on Tanzanian studies.

4. To organize panels, symposia, and conferences on Tanzanian studies at meetings of regional, national and international organizations.

5. To provide the general public with information on historical, anthropological, political, economic and other issues related to Tanzania.

Article IV. The TSA shall operate according to the following bylaws:

Section I. Executive Council

1. The business of the Association shall be managed by the Officers of the Association.

2. The Executive Council shall consist of the Officers of the Association.

3. Any Executive Council member may resign at any time, provided such a resignation is made in writing. Any Executive Council member may be removed by a vote of two-thirds majority of members of record.

Section II. Officers and Members at Large

1. Term Lengths

(a) The President shall serve for a term of two years.

(b) The Vice President shall serve for a term of two years.

(c) The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve for a term of two years and shall be elected on alternative years from the President and Vice President. (d) Each Member at Large shall serve a term of two years.

--Officers and Members at Large must be members in good standing. --All officers and Members at Large may stand for re-election by the members if they so choose. --The two-year term begins upon the election of the officer or Member at Large by the members at the annual meeting. --Any officer or Member at Large who expects to be unable to fulfill his/her duties adequately for a year or more shall resign with the option of standing for re-election at another time.

2. Duties Officers (a) The President shall preside at all meetings of the members of the Executive Council and at all business meetings of the Association. She/He shall, in general, supervise and manage all the business and affairs of the Association. She/He shall have authority and power, in the name of the Association, to sign checks, drafts, notes, and orders for the payment of money by the Association. She/He shall nominate the editor of the newsletter and the coordinator of the internet listserv, both of whom will be confirmed by a vote of the Executive Council.

The President shall designate committees as she/he deems necessary to carry out specific duties related to the activities of the organization. Such committees and their appointed heads shall dissolve immediately after their specific duties have been accomplished.

(b) The Vice President shall, in the absence or disability of the President, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President.

(c) The Secretary-Treasurer shall serve as Secretary of the Association. She/He will record the minutes of both Executive Council and regular business meetings and make the minutes available for distribution to members. She/He shall keep current the official Membership List which names all members of record. She/He shall perform any other duties which are delegated by members of the Executive Council.

The Secretary-Treasurer shall have custody of all funds and other valuable documents of the Association. She/He shall have authority and power to endorse, on behalf of the Association, checks, notes, and other obligations, and deposit same to the credit of the Association in such bank or banks as the Executive Council may designate. She/He shall record the income and expenditures of the Association and give a full written report of all monies received and paid out at the annual business meeting of the membership.

3. Duties of Members at Large The two or more Members at Large shall serve on the Executive Council of the Association and assist in the decision-making process of that body.

Section III. Vacancies Among Officers

1. If a position on the Executive Council becomes vacant, the remaining officers, may select any qualified person to fill such a vacancy. This interim appointee shall hold such office for the unexpired term and until a successor is elected or appointed.

2. An interim appointee named by the Executive Council may stand for office at the end of the unexpired term and will begin a regular term upon election at the annual meeting.

Section IV. Meetings

1. A meeting of the members shall be held annually. At the annual meeting, any vacant post on the Executive Committee will be filled. Candidates for office shall submit brief statements for publication in the last newsletter preceding the annual meeting. Members not in attendance may vote by written proxy.

2. Special meetings of the members, for any purpose, may be called by the President of the Association or the Executive Council. The notice for such special meetings shall state the purpose thereof.

3. For the transaction of normal business and the election of officers, a simple majority vote by members of record present shall suffice. For the removal of a member of the Executive Council or to change the By-Laws at the annual meeting, a vote by two-thirds of the dues-paying members of record is required.

Section V. Dues

1. Membership Dues Categories

(a) Regular and institutional dues for membership in the society shall be $25

(b) Student dues shall be $10

(c) Voluntary Sponsors of the Association shall pay dues of $25.

Section VI. Voting

1. Each member of record shall be entitled to one vote on each matter submitted to a vote of members. Members at Large and officers shall be elected by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting of the members of record. Voting for Members at Large and officers shall take place by secret ballot. Changes to the By-Laws require a two-thirds majority of members of record, and this quorum is needed for a vote of such changes at the annual meeting. Any other action to be taken by vote of the members shall be authorized by a majority of the votes cast at a meeting by the members of record.

Section VII. Fiscal Year

1. The fiscal tax year shall run from November 1 to October 31.

Section VIII. Amendment and Repeal of By-Laws

1. These by-laws may be amended, repealed, or adopted by two-thirds of the dues-paying members, either by mail vote or by vote at the annual meeting.