
A fictional story for young adult readers about an English girl who moves to Tasmania as a teenager and discovers nature and wild places.

Annie inherits Coracina (kora-see-na), a property near Cradle Mountain on the other side of the world. She travels from England to live in Tasmania for a year and discovers nature and wild places. She grows to love them, finds friendship and, through Coracina, learns about the uncle that she never really knew. 

Written and illustrated by Jenny Pearce.

Download a sample here.


Phone 03 6428 2976, or  jennywrenp at

Cost: $45 plus $6 postage.


From Friends of Cradle Valley Bulletin, 2012

Our heartiest congratulations go to FoCV member Jenny Pearce, who has just added “accomplished author” to her distinguished CV by self-publishing Coracina, a beautiful little book written mostly for teenagers. It’s the story of Annie Goldern, a young English girl who inherits a property at Daisy Dell from her late uncle Tony, a poet, artist and recluse.

The fictitious property is called “Coracina”, and this is the story of the year that Annie spent in residence there, getting to know the Tasmanian bush and the community at Daisy Dell, and ultimately making the biggest decision of her life. Annie is intelligent, inquisitive, musical and resourceful, but there is a lot that she has to learn about Tasmania, its native eucalyptus forests, rainforests and amazing wildlife. As she begins to do so, she discovers much that she didn’t know about her reclusive uncle Tony, who was something of a black sheep of the family. Gradually, she starts to appreciate what he loved so much about

Coracina, including next door neighbour Ozzie Horton whoseweird” jokes take some time for Annie to get used to. This is a thoughtful, adventurous work, aimed at introducing urban television-bound teenagers to the natural beauty and mysteries of the sub-alpine country around the nearby Cradle Mountain Lake St. Clair National Park. The astute reader will recognize that it is loosely based on the Iris Farm Private Nature Reserve and Ike’s Hut at Daisy Dell, and that the market village called “Willtown” is actually Wilmot. You don’t have to be a teenager to enjoy this book, and romantics would be well advised to have a box of tissues at hand. Offers for filming rights will be considered by the author.

CORACINA by Jenny Pearce, 2012. RRP $45. Limited edition 123pp.; hard-cover;

illustrated by Stephen Wilson and the author; photographs by Suzanne Talbot.


Proof Copies  (Dec 2011-Feb 2012)

P1 – Guy Burns. Spiral bound, printed on 80 GSM Reflex, without the Photo Interlude chapter.

P2 – Guy Burns. Hand bound by him in gray buckram, printed on 80 GSM Reflex, without the Photo Interlude chapter.

P3 – Guy Burns. Hand bound by him in green buckram, printed on 140 GSM Saxton Chardonnay.

Copies 1-3  (March 2012)

Printed on 140 GSM Saxton Chardonnay at R&J Publishing, Devonport, on a Fuji-Xerox 700. Printed prior to calibration of the FX700. The images are slightly paler than copies 4-60.

Hand bound by Prestige Bookbinders, Launceston.

  1.  Jenny Pearce. 

  2.  Guy Burns.

  3.  Trevor Burness.

Copies 4-9  (April 2012)

Printed on 115 GSM Saxton Chardonnay, post-calibration of the FX700 but before the images were colour corrected. Images are more saturated than for copies 1-3 and have a slight magenta cast. Lacking bookbinder's name in credits.

  4.  Grace Keeley for Sharon – delivered 31st July 2012

  5.  Grace Keeley for Jeanette – delivered 31st July 2012

  6.  Eric Sargent – delivered 24th September 2012

  7.  Jessie Vonk – delivered 9th May 2012

  8.  Stephen Wilson – delivered 8th May 2012

  9.  Maxine Armstrong – delivered 13th August 2012

Copies 10-60  (April 2012)

Printed on 115 GSM Saxton Chardonnay, post-calibration of the FX700, and after the images were colour corrected.

Collected 57 copies from the binder, 26 April 2012. Added bookbinder's name to credits.

10.  Lending copy

Comments by Monique Turley

I loved it. I couldn't put it down. I was so sorry when I came to the end and then I read it over again. I read it aloud to a friend. I can tell you everything that happened in that story. My favourite character is Ozzie. I fell in love with him. Ozzie and Dot reminded me of my childhood and how my parents were with each other. Now I want to know what's going to happen to Annie and Griff.

11.  Jenny Tudehope – delivered 11th May 2012

By email

This is a very original work. I have not read another book like it. You have created a new genre! It is a book that remains in my mind, and not many do. And all my thoughts about it are positive.


12.  Kristen Lang – delivered 11th May 2012

13.  Tasmaniana Library (now Tas Archive and Heritage Office) – posted 26th July 2012

14.  Lyn Brundle – delivered 5th June 2012

15.  Suzanne and Jim Talbot – delivered 8th June

16.  Ro Smalley – delivered 6th June 2012

17.  Jenny Tudehope for Anna – June 2012

18.  Jenny Tudehope for Mieka – June 2012

19.  Helen Thyne – delivered 17th June 2012

By letter

Dear Jen, Thank you so much for writing such a beautiful book. The wonderful explanations and identifications of the birds, flowers and animals are exquisite. It is written with such feeling and emotion, only someone with a strong feel for the environment and the area could possibly write such a book. Anna is perfect for the part! Thank you for allowing me to purchase a copy. I love it.

20.  John Wilson – delivered 17th June 2012

By email,

Hi Jenny,

Just finished reading your lovely book "Coracina" and had a good cry too (bawled my eyes out in the last couple of chapters, I'm afraid – no sense of dignity, me). Thank you, dear friend, for giving the world of literature such a wonderful, engaging story about the Cradle country. Would you mind if I put a little review of it in the next FoCV [Friends of Cradle Valley] bulletin?



21.  Penny Bester – delivered 25th July 2012

22.  John Wilson for his niece – 21st June 2012

23.  John Wilson for his family – 21st June 2012

24.  Judy Wynwood – posted 26th July 2012

25.  Iris Greenhill for Madeline – 27th August 2012

26.  Sandy McArthur – 26th August 2012

27.  Anne Triffet – 5th September 2012

28.  Ann Sherlock (New Zealand) – 10th November 2012 

29/32. Tas Literary Prize – August 2012 

33.  John Wilson for his sister – 27th October 2012

34.  Melva Truchanas – 27th October 2012

35.  Greg Rubock – 27th October 2012

36.  Barbara Isenring (Gladstone Qld) – 10th November 2012

37.  Dale Lisson – 1st December 2012

38.  Helen Thyne for her daughter – 1st December 2012

39.  Helen Statham – 1st December 2012

40.  Katie Beyer – 26th December 2012

41.  Helen Plaister – November 2012

42.  Barbara Isenring for Charlotte – 12th December 2012

43.  Barbara Isenring for grandchild – 12th December 2012

44.  Helen Plaister for Holly Birman – 17th December 2012

45.  Helen Plaister for Michael – 17th December 2012

46.  Sheryl Lockhart – 4th March 2013 

47.  Judy Cotton – 6th April 2013

By email,

Hi Jenny,

I have just finished reading "Coracina" as I sit in the warmth of a perfect autumnal day in Alice Springs, where I'm taking a short break. Thank you so much for giving me a copy of your book. It is a wonderful story and the illustrations are magnificent. I had a few tears in my eyes near the end. 



48.  Judy Dawkins – 8th May 2013

49.  Vicki Snare – 14th May 2013

50.  Wenche Gronas, (Norway) – 30th May 2013

Hello Jenny!

Yesterday I get to my postbox and guess… A LOVELY book from you! THANK YOU SO MUCH. I started reading at once! I have now come to chapter 12. I can see the story in my head, almost be there! What a lovely place Tasmania must be! I really wish to come there sometime. Lovely photos and illustrations.

All the best and big hugs, from Wenche

51.  Kate Smith, (New Zealand) – 4th June 2013 (Lost on route)

52.  Denise Walsh – 26th August 2012

53.  Wendy and Ralph Burness – October 2013

54.  Jill Di Biagio – October 2013

55.  Phyllis Witte (nee Burness) – June 2013

Dear Jenny,

When we arrived home from Lyn’s that day I quickly looked thru Coracina and was enchanted by it. I then put it away until I had uninterrupted time to read it and savour it. I have just finished it having read it over the last two weeks. I loved it – the simple yet beautiful style, the storyline, the characters, the setting, the wildlife, birds and flora and the wonderful illustrations. And your use of family and friends’ names was such a novel idea. I will treasure it. I love to read small sections of it over again as I find it very restful and peaceful. It is a remarkable book. I want to read it to my grandchildren. Thank you for this very beautiful gift. Love Phyllis

56.  Melanie Talbot – 31st December 2014

By email from Adelaide

I have finished your beautiful book. Such a gorgeous story. I loved every minute of it. I'm so glad she stayed! I loved coming across Solomon & Tim's names!  Your book will always be my most special book on the book shelf. Love Mel.

57.  Spare for Anna Talbot

58.  Mike Simco (for Sally) – 20th October 2016

59.  Anne Lanning – 17th March 2014

To my dear childhood friend Jenny,

The book was delivered to me today in England.  I took it in and showed it to a friend who visits Tassie every couple of years with family from the mainland.  We had a lovely chat about Launceston! So last night after ballroom then jive til midnight, I started to read and will finish today.  Was bowled over by the writing and artwork - why have you been hiding this talent?  


60.  Devonport Library – 11th December 2012


   1.  Anais Woods (singer) – 8th January 2014

   2.  Rohana Brown – 6th April 2013

   3.  Cecelia Baker – 8th January 2014

   4.  Mary Malliff – November 2013

   5.  Rosie Paton – November 2013

   6.  Peter Lawrence – 8th October 2023

Hi Jenny,

Delightful illustrated story, brings back childhood memories walking to Walheim and Cradle Mountain in the 1950s. I am keen to show the book to my bush-walking children and grand-children when they next visit.


   7.  Margie Reeves (Eltham, Vic) – 7th September 2013

   8.  Anton Lade – 11th February 2014

   9.  Joan Kelly – 11th February 2014

10.  Lyndsey Gray and Paul Darby – 19th May 2014

11.  Sharon Percy – 1st May 2014  

12.  Elizabeth Hanstein (Gee) – 15th May 2014

13.  Janet and Mike Brakey – December 2014

14.  Chris Sedevic – 23rd June 2014 (posted)

15.  Barbara Best (Sheldrick) – 25th June 2014 (posted)

16.  Jeanette Jackson – 21st July 2014

17.  Jenny Dewis (Ritchie) – 24th June 2014

18.  Jill Twells (Shackcloth) – 24th June 2014

By letter

Dear Jenny,

I LOVED the book – can't wait to send one to my cousin at Melrose when I return from NZ. She paints local scenery and botanical specimens and would love it. I will fit your book into my case for my family – all bushwalkers/cyclists.

Congrats and cheers,

Jill Twells

18.  (2nd no 18?) Melinda, Matt's mother for Janet, Matt's Grandmother – April 2023

19.  Margaret Sobolewski – 10 July 2014

20.  Bev Hearps – 23rd September 2014

21.  Fiona Raymond-Crawn – 23rd September 2014   

22.  Margie Duthoit – 15th January 2015

23.  Hilary Dobson and Kristin Henry – 16th January 2015

24.  Diana Sargent – 26th May 2015

25.  Diana Sargent – 26th May 2015

26.  Elaine Smith – 1st June 2015

27.  Charlotte Flint – 17th October 2015

28.  Janet Finlayson (Melbourne) October 2017

29.  Inge Hornbech (Denmark) October 2017

30.  Grace Keeley 16th October 2017

31.  Lambert Van Essen – 4th December 2017

By email

This is a beautiful book. Your so clever.


32.  Enis Wallis – 16th April 2013

By letter

I will enjoy reading your story again and again. I love your story.

With grateful thanks,

Enis (aged 96)

33.  Elaine Smith – 20th June 2015

34.  Dev Book Shop – sold 2015

35.  Joanne Mitchelson – 22 November 2015

36.  Anka Makovec – June 2016

I read the book in one sitting because I couldn't put it down. This is a topnotch novel that would give anyone an uplift. It is beautifully presented with simple illustrations and best quality binding. The photos fit perfectly with the story and I like the unusual view of Cradle Mountain.

37.  Paul Jarman – 26th June 2016

38.  Linda Pickford – 9th October 2016 

39.  Judy Maddon – 17th October 2016 

40.  Lillian Smith – 20th January 2017

41.  Christine Wilson – 10th May 2017

42.  Lynda Purcell – June 2017

43.  Stan and Bonnie Tilley – February 2018

44.  Stan and Bonnie Tilley – April 2018

45.  Rod and Martha McQueen – February 2018

46.  Rod and Martha McQueen – February 2018

47.  Betty Paterson – March 2018

48.  Aileen Lynch – June 2020

Dear Jenny,

Coracina was so enjoyable, I couldn't put it down! Annie was an inspiration, adventurous, courageous, compassionate, eager to learn of the plants and birds at Daisy Dell. It was a history, geography, and a lesson on the indigenous plants. I liked the illustrations.
Very sincerely, Aileen

49.  Mavis Rowlands – April 2018

50.  Bill Sargent – 2nd October 2016

51.  Gillian Nicholson – 10th April 2018

52.  Trixie Duncan – 10th April 2018 (Chris Dennis' friend)

53.  Marion Sargent – 2018

54.  Anna Talbot for Matt's family – 1st Jan 2019

55.  Jennifer de Cani (Anne Lowe's friend) – May 2019

56.  Stephanie Honey (dancer) – December 2019

57.  Karen Fujino Fontaine – 5th May 2019

58.  Anne Lowe – 5th May 2019



61.  Alan and Judith Wilson – 5th May 2019

62.  Mary Slattery – 12th December 2022


64. Carol Warke  – April 2022


First Edition

63 copies printed, 2 proofs on 80 GSM reflex, 1 proof on 140 GSM, 60 final copies on 115 GSM, 30,100 words per book.

Bound at Prestige Bookbinders by Dennis Carey (now retired).


Each complete book was printed on 16 SRA3 sheets of 115 GSM (body) and 1 SRA3 sheet of 140 GSM (endpapers).

Neglecting the 80 GSM, this means that the total number of SRA3 sheets used was:

115GSM: 60 x 16 (for the books) + ~20 (for print tests) = 980.

140 GSM: 17 (for one proof) + 60 (for 60 sets of endpapers) + ~ 10 (for test prints) = 87.

Total paper cost = (980 x 17.25) + (87 x 21) = $187.

Printing – $1157

Laminating – $20

Trimming – $29

Binding – $2690

All-up cost to produce 60 finished copies: $4083 = $68/copy.

Raw Cost Summary

Raw Cost/book (printing, binding, paper)

Paper: 16 x 17.25c + 21c = $2.97

Printing: 33 (16 duplex, 1 single) x 50c = $16.50

Binding: 42.50

Total: $62.00/per book

Second Edition

Paper and freight - $246

Printing R&J - $1004

Binding - $2604

 $62/per book 

Keywords: Cradle Mountain, novel, fiction, short story, young adult, childrens' story.