Database of Head Related Transfer Functions


    1. HRTF data (1)

This file contains 111 subjects' HRTFs on the horizontal plane and 80 subjects' physical sizes. The HRTF length is 512 points (10.7 ms) and all files are binary file in double precision.


Chubu Technology Licensing Office


ID Number: NU-0234 (Head-Related Transfer Function Database)


[1] Takanori Nishino, Naoya Inoue, Kazuya Takeda and Fumitada Itakura, "Estimation of HRTFs on the horizontal plane using physical features," Applied Acoustics, vol.68, issue 8, pp.897-908, 2007.

[2] Naoya Inoue, Toshiyuki Kimura, Takanori Nishino, Katsunobu Itou and Kazuya Takeda, "Evaluation of HRTFs estimated using physical features," Acoustical Science and Technology, vol.26, no.5, pp.453-455, 2005.

[3] Takanori Nishino, Yusuke Nakai, Kazuya Takeda and Fumitada Itakura, "Estimating head related transfer function using multiple regression analysis," IEICE Trans. A, vol.J84-A, no.3, pp.260-268, 2001.

This data is the HRTFs of all directions. The HRTFs are sampled at 44.1 kHz and the HRTF length is 512 points (11.7 ms). The data format is ASCII text.


[1] Takanori Nishino, Shoji Kajita, Kazuya Takeda and Fumitada Itakura, "Interpolation of head related transfer functions of azimuth and elevation," J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol.57, no.11, pp.685-692, 2001.

[2] Takanori Nishino, Mikio Ikeda, Kazuya Takeda and Fumitada Itakura, "Interpolating head related transfer functions," Proc. The Seventh Western Pacific Regional Acoustics Conference(WESTPRAC VII), 1A-1-3, pp.293-296, 2000.

[3] Takanori Nishino, Shoji Kajita, Kazuya Takeda and Fumitada Itakura, "Interpolating head related transfer functions in the median plane," Proc. 1999 IEEE Workshop on Applications of Signal Processing to Audio and Acoustics (WASPAA99), Paper 9-1, pp.167-170, 1999.

This data is the HRTFs measured with the spark. The distances between the source and the ears are 200 and 300 mm. The HRTFs are sampled at 48 kHz and the HRTF length is 256 points (5.3 ms). The data format is ASCII text.


[1] Junji Araki, Takanori Nishino, Kazuya Takeda and Fumitada Itakura, "Measurement of the head related transfer function using the spark noise," J. Acoust. Soc. Jpn., vol.60, no.6, pp.314-318, 2004.

[2] Takanori Nishino, Seiichiro Hosoe, Kazuya Takeda, Fumitada Itakura, "Measurement of the head related transfer function using the spark noise," Proc. The 18th International Congress on Acoustics(ICA2004), Tu5.D.1, vol.II, pp.1437-1438, 2004.

This data is the HRTFs measured with the micro-dodecahedral loudspeaker using twelve piezoelectric ceramic devices. The distances between the sound source and the center of bitragion are 20 and 50 cm. The HRTFs are sampled at 48 kHz and the HRTF length is 512 points (10.6 ms). The data format is ASCII text.


[1] Takanori Nishino, Seiichiro Hosoe, Katunobu Itou and Kazuya Takeda, "Measurement of head related transfer functions with micro-dodecahedral loudspeaker in the proximal region," Proc. The 9th Western Pacific Acoustics Conference (WESPAC IX), Paper No. 397, 2006.

[2] Seiichiro Hosoe, Takanori Nishino, Katsunobu Itou, and Kazuya Takeda, "Development of micro-dodecahedral loudspeaker for measuring head-related transfer functions in the proximal region," Proc. ICASSP 2006, AE-P6.5, vol.5, pp.329-332, 2006.

[3] Seiichiro Hosoe, Takanori Nishino, Katunobu Itou and Kazuya Takeda, "Measurement of head-related transfer functions in the proximal region," Proc. Forum Acusticum 2005, RBA-VA, Paper No.446, pp.2539-2542, 2005.

    1. HRTF data (5) (not available)

The HRTFs were measured by using the sagittal and the coronal (frontal) coordinates.


[1] Takashi Nakado, Takanori Nishino and Kazuya Takeda, "Head-related transfer function measurement in sagittal and frontal coordinates," Acoustical Science and Technology, 2008.

[2] Takashi Nakado, Takanori Nishino and Kazuya Takeda, "Measurements of head-related transfer function in sagittal and frontal coordinates," J. Acoust. Soc. Am., vol.123, no.5, pp.3652-3653, 2008.

[3] Takashi Nakado, Takanori Nishino and Kazuya Takeda, "Construction of HRTF databases in sagittal and frontal coordinates," 2008 Spring Meeting Acoustical Society of Japan, pp.877-878, 2008


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This data is Copyright 1999 by Itakura Laboratory and CIAIR. It is provided free with no restrictions on use, provided the authors are cited when the data is used in any research or commercial application.