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† : equal contribution; * : corresponding author
18. Tae-il Kim and K. Y. Suh, "Unidirectional wetting and spreading on stooped polymer nanohairs" Soft Matter. 5 (21), 4131-4135 (Nov 7. 2009) [selected as a back side cover] [featured on www.vjnano.org]. [impact factor 4.500]
17. H. S. Yoon, H. E. Jeong, Tae-il Kim, T. J. Kang, D. H. Tahk, K. H. Char and Kahp Y. Suh "Adhesion hysteresis of Janus nanopillars fabricated by nanomolding and oblique metal deposition" Nano Today 4 (5), 384-392 (Oct 1 2009).[ selected as a front cover] [impact factor 11.730]
16. Tae-il Kim, C. Pang and K. Y. Suh "Shape-tunable polymer nanofibrillar structures by oblique electron beam irradiation"Langmuir 25 (16), 8879-8882 (Aug 18 2009). [impact factor 4.268]
15. Tae-il Kim, H. E. Jeong, K. Y. Suh, and H. H. Lee "Stooped Nanohairs: Geometry controllable, reversible, unidirectional and robust gecko-like dry adhesive" Adv. Mater. 21 (22) 2276-2281 (Jun 12 2009) [selected as a inside cover] [impact factor 10.857]
14. Tae-il Kim, D. H. Tahk and H. H. Lee, “Wettability-controllable super water- and moderately oil- repellent surface fabricated by wet chemical etching”, Langmuir 25 (11), 6575-6579 (Jun 2 2009). [impact factor 4.268]
13. H. W. Kang, Tae-il Kim, K. Han and H. H. Lee, “All-polymer thin film transistor on patterned elastomer substrate”, Org. Electron. 10 (3), 527-531 (May 1 2009). [impact factor 4.869]
12. M. Kwak†, Tae-il Kim†, P Kim, H.H. Lee, and K. Y. Suh "Large-area dual-scale metal transfer by adhesive force" Small 5 (8), 928-932 (Apr20 2009) [impact factor 7.333] (*equal contribution)
11. Tae-il Kim, and S. M. Seo, “The facile fabrication of a wire-grid polarizer with reversal rigiflex printing” Nanotechnology 20 (14), 145305 (Apr 8. 2009). [featured on www.nanotechweb.org and http://www.ebionews.com/] [impact factor 3.644]
10. H. W. Kang, Tae-il Kim, and H. H. Lee, "Self aligned, flexible, all polymer transistor: ultra-violet(UV) printing" Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (20), 203308 (Nov 17 2008). [featured on www.physorg.com] [impact factor 3.644]
9. J. –H. Kim, S. –Y. Huh, Tae-il Kim, and H. H. Lee, “Thin pentacene interlayer for polymer bulk-heterojunction solar cell” Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (14), 143305 (Oct 6 2008) [impact factor 3.820]
8. Tae-il Kim, J.-H. Kim, S. J. Son, and S. M. Seo, "Gold nanocones fabricated by nanotransfer printing and their application for field emission" Nanotechnology 19 (28), 295302 (Jul 23 2008) [featured on www.nanotechweb.org] [impact factor 3.644]
7. Tae-il Kim, S. J. Son, and S. M. Seo, "Flexible top gate pentacene thin film transistor with embedded source-drain electrode" Appl. Phys. Lett. 93 (1), 013304 (Jul 7 2008) [impact factor 3.820]
6. Tae-il Kim, C. Beak, K. Y. Suh, S. M. Seo, and H. H. Lee, "Optical lithography with printed metal mask and a simple superhydrophobic surface" Small 4 (2), 182-185 (Feb 1 2008). [featured on www.materialsviews.com][impact factor 7.333]
5. S. M. Seo, Tae-il Kim, and H. H. Lee "Simple fabrication of nanostructures by continuous rigiflex imprinting" J. Microelectron. Eng. 84 (4), 567-572 (Apr 1 2007) [impact factor 1.488]
4. Tae-il Kim, S. Kwon, J. Lee, and H. H. Lee, "Residue-free nanofilling with wetting solutions" Appl. Phys. Lett. 89 (17), 173115 (Oct 23 2006) [featured on www.vjnano.org] [impact factor 3.820]
3. H. S. Yoon, Tae-il Kim, S. J. Choi, K. Y. Suh, M. J. Kim, and H. H. Lee "Capillary force lithography with impermeable molds" Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (25), 254104 (Jun 19 2006) [impact factor 3.820]
2. S. M. Seo, J. H. Kim, Tae-il Kim, and H. H. Lee "Transfer fabrication technique for embedded and inverted micro/nano structure" Appl. Phys. Lett. 88 (2), 023118 (Jan 9 2006) [impact factor 3.820]
1. D. Y. Khang, H. W. Kang, Tae-il Kim, and H. H. Lee, "Low pressure nanoimprint lithography" Nano Lett. 4 (4), 633-637 (Apr 1 2004) [impact factor 12.186]