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[H-index and Total citations] [by Google Scholar], [by SciVal], [by Web of Science], and [by Scopus]
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† : equal contribution, * : corresponding author
Selected Publications
-. Byeonghak Park, J.H. Shin, J. Ok, S. Park, W. Jung, C. Jeong, S. Choy, Y.J. Jo, and Tae-il Kim*, "Cuticular pad–inspired selective frequency damper for nearly dynamic noise–free bioelectronics", Science 376, 6593, 624-620 (May 2022)
- D. Kang, P.V. Pikhitsa, Y.W. Choi, C. Lee, S.S. Shin, L. Piao, B. Park, K.-Y. Suh, Tae-il Kim*, M. Choi, "Ultransensitive mechanical crack-based sensor inspired by the spider sensory system" Nature 516, 222-226 (Dec 2014)
- Tae-il Kim†, J.G. McCall†, Y.H. Jung, X, Huang, E. R. Siuda, Y. Li, J. Song, Y.M. Song, H.A. Pao, R. -H. Kim, Lu, S. D. Lee, I.-S. Song, G.C. Shin, R. Al-Hassani, S. Kim, M.P. Tan, Y. Huang, F.G. Omenetto, John.A. Rogers, M.R. Bruchas," Injectable cellular scale optoelectronics with applications for wireless optogenetics” Science 340, 211-216 (Apr 2013)
-Sung Hyuk Sunwoo, J.S. Lee, S.J. Bae, Y.J. Shin, C.S. Kim, S.Y. Ju, H.S. Choi, M. Suh, S.W. Kim, Y.J. Choi, and Tae-il Kim*, "Chronic and acute stress monitoring by electrophysiological signal from adrenal gland" Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 116 (4) 1146-1151 (Jan 2019)
- Ju Hwan Shin†, Jiyeong Choi†, K. June, H. Choi, and Tae-il Kim*, "Polymeric Conductive Adhesive based Ultrathin Epidermal Electrodes for Long-term Monitoring of Electrophysiological Signals", Adv. Mater. accepted [Link]
- Jehyung Ok, S. Park, Y.H. Jung*, and Tae-il Kim*, "Wearable and implantable cortisol sensing electronics for stress monitoring", Adv. Mater. 36, 1, 2211595 (Jan 2024) [Link]
- Ki Yoon Kwon†, S. Cheeseman†, A. Frias-De-Diego, H. Hong, J. Yang, W. Jung, H. Yin, B.J. Murdoch, F. Scholle, N. Crook, E. Crisci, M.D. Dickey*, V.K. Truong*, and Tae-il Kim*, "A liquid metal mediated-metal coating for antimicrobial and antiviral fabrics", Adv. Mater. 33 (45), 2104298 (Nov 2021) [Link]
- Ju Seung Lee, S.J. Kang, J.H. Shin, Y.J. Shin, B. Lee, J.-M. Koo, and Tae-il Kim* "Nanoscale dewetting based direct interconnection of microelectronics for a deterministic assembly of transfer printing" Adv. Mater. 32 (21) 1908422 (May 2020) [Link]
- Yei Hwan Jung, J.U. Kim, J.S. Lee, J.H. Shin, W. Jung, J. Ok, and Tae-il Kim*, "Injectable biomedical electronics for sensing and stimulating internal body organs" Adv. Mater. 32 (16) 1907478 (Apr 2020) [impact factor 25.809] [Link]
-Chanho Jeong, J.S. Lee, B. Park, C.S. Hong, J.U. Kim and Tae-il Kim*, "Controllable Configuration of Sensing Band in a Pressure-Sensor by Lenticular Pattern Deformation on Designated Electrodes", Adv. Mater. 31,(36), 1902689 (Sep 2019) [Link]
-Yei Hwan Jung, B. Park, J.U. Kim, and Tae-il Kim*, "Bioinspired Electronics for artificial sensory systems" Adv. Mater._31 (34) 183637 (Aug 2019)
- B.H. Park†, J.S. Kim†, D. Kang, C. Jeong, K. Kim, J.U. Kim, P.J. Yoo, and Tae-il Kim*, "Dramatically Enhanced Mechanosensitivity and Signal-to-Noise-Ratio on Nanoscale Crack based Sensors: Effect of Depth" Adv. Mater. 28 (37) 8130-8137 (Oct 2016)
- Tae-il Kim, H. E. Jeong, K. Y. Suh, and H. H. Lee "Stooped Nanohairs: Geometry controllable, reversible, unidirectional and robust gecko-like dry adhesive" Adv. Mater. 21 (22) 2276-2281 (Jun 12 2009)
-Woojin Jung, G.R. Koirala, J.S. Lee, J.U. Kim, H. Hong, B. Park, Y.J. Jo, C. Jeong, K. Kwon, Y.-s. Ye, J. Kim, K. Lee, and Tae-il Kim*, "Solvent-Assisted Filling of Liquid Metal by Selective Dewetting for the Multilayered 3D Interconnect in Stretchable Electronics" ACS Nano 16 (12) 21471-21481 (Dec 2022)
Correction to "Solvent-Assisted Filling of Liquid Metal and Its Selective Dewetting for the Multilayered 3D Interconnect in Stretchable Electronics" [Link]
-Sori Lee†, G. Hwang†, T.H. Kim†, S.J. Kwon, J.U. Kim, K. Koh, B. Park, H. Hong, K.J. Yu, H. Chae, Y. Jung*, J. Lee*, and Tae-il Kim*, "On-demand drug release from gold nanoturf for a thermo- and chemotherapeutic esophageal stent (TES)" ACS Nano. 12 (7), 6756-6766 (Jul 2018) [Link]