News and Media

-[Award] @February 2025, Ju-yeon Jeong  received a received a 벽송회 Scholarship (2,500,000 won) at the fall semester of 2024. Congratulation!

-[Achievement] @November 2024, We explored the utility of a biodegradable passive tag interrogated with a wearable reader path to acquire superimposed vital signs in vivo. It is now published in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations, Dr. Gyan Raj Koirala!

-[Achievement] @October 2024, Our study involving gallium-based liquid metal alloys, Johnson-Kendall-Roberts (JKR) measurements showed that native oxide dramatically lower the tension of the metal interface from 724 to 10 mN m−1. It is now published in Advanced Materials. Congratulations Dr. Woojin Jung!

-[Achievement] @October 2024, We provide a comprehensive review on the wearable devices for biofluids monitoring. It is now published in Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering. Congratulations Ye Ji Yang and Sanggil Lee!

-[Achievement] @June 2024, We provide a comprehensive review on multifunctional hydrogels for next-generation bioelectronic devices. It is now published in Biomaerials. Congratulations Hin Kiu Lee and Ye Ji Yang!

-[Achievement] @June 2024, Our collaborative research exploring the potential of combining implantable microLED device with cathepsin B-responsive prodrug naonoparticles (PNPs) for glioma treatment is now published in Advanced Functional Materials. Congratulations Hin Kiu Lee!

-[Achievement] @May 2024, We provide an overview of noise reduction strategies in bioelectronics, focusing on reducing motion artifacts and improving the signal-to-noise ratio through hardware-based approaches such as “preprocessing”. The review work was published in Chemical Reviews. Dr. Byeonghak Park, Dr. Chanho Jung, and Jehyung Ok Congratulations!

-[Achievement] @March 2024, An ultrathin polymeric conductive adhesive, PEDOT:PSS/polyvinyl alcohol/d-sorbitol (PPd) electrode with enhanced adhesion, stretchability, and skin conformability, is presented. The skin conformability and stability of electrodes is designed by theoretical criteria obtained by mechanical analysis. Remarkably, impedance stability is obtained over 1-week of daily life, and the PPd electrode addresses the challenges related to durability during prolonged usage. The work was presented in Advanced Materials, Ju Hwan and Jiyeong Congratulations! 

-[Achievement] @Jan 2024, Collaborative work with KIST and Yonsei Univ. is presented. A fully-implantable wireless powered tactile sensory system embedded artificial skin (WTSA), with stable operation, to restore permanently damaged tactile function and promote wound healing for regenerating severely damaged skin was presented in Natue Communications, Congratulation! Chanho.

Press released : 

-[Achievement] @Dec 2023, Jehyung summarized wearable, miniaturized sensors integrated with electronic modules that enable wireless real-time analysis. Here, the primary focus is on wearable and implantable electronic devices that continuously measure cortisol concentration. Diverse types of cortisol-sensing techniques, such as antibody-, DNA-aptamer-, and molecularly imprinted polymer-based sensors, as well as wearable and implantable devices that aim to continuously monitor cortisol in a minimally invasive fashion are discussed.  Jehyung Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Oct 2023, Minjun proposed micro-syringe-type devices, which consist of longer drug-administering needles and reservoirs, are rather more advantageous than MNs for deep tissue administration as they can infuse nanoDDSs into the center of tumor tissues through their microchannel. Herein, a new intratumoral administration system composed of an implantable micro-syringe chip (MSC) and pro-apoptotic prodrug-encapsulated lipid nanoparticles (ApoLNPs).  Minjun Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Aug 2023, Dr. Juseung Lee present theraml releasable bioprobe. The microscale light emitting diode (µLED)-based neural probe is introduced on an injectable heat dissipation guide. The heat dissipation guide is made of boron nitride (BN) nanomaterials with high thermal conductivity. Juseung Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Mar 2023, Yeong-sinn  received a 피안장학재단 Scholarship (2,000,000 won) at the fall semester of 2023. 

-[Award] @Nov 2023, Juhwan and Jiyeong receivedthe best research paper award (장려상; 3,000,000 won) from SKKU. Congratulation!

-[Achievement] @Apr 2023, Minjun summarized recent advancements on optical neuromodulation and published it in Chemical Society Review. We, with Sedat Nizamoglu (Koc University), review the use of organic and inorganic light-emitting diodes for optogenetics and implantable wireless optoelectronic systems that enable closed-loop optogenetic neuromodulation through the use of light-emitting diodes, wireless power transfer circuits, and feedback loops. Minjun Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Mar 2023, Jiwon received a Chugang Scholarship ($3000) at the Spring adn Fall semesters of 2023. 

-[Award] @Sep 2022, Woojin received the best research paper award (최우수상; 5,000,000 won) from SKKU. Congratulation!

-[Award] @Sep 2022, Hyesu received an excellent research paper award (장려상; 3,000,000 won) from SKKU. Congratulation!

-[Achievement] @Dec 2022, Woojin demonstrates submicrometer pattering method with liquid metal for stretchable electronics.  The study figures out selective filling of the liquid metal by osmotic pressure into microchannel. Sucessful demonstration by analytical calculation and experiment can be provided. It is published in ACS Nano.  Woojin Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Sep 2022, Dr. Chanho Jeong presents the motion artifact resilient zone for implantable electronics. The study is conducted on motion artifact-minimized sensors that do not require specifically aligned patterning to take a strict process and limit the variety of fabrication. It is published in Advanced Functional Materials.  Dr. Jeong Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @May 2022, wearable EEG sensor incorporated with wireless devices can measure error-related potential and it can contribute train autonomous machines. The work is presented in npj Flexible Electronics. Juhwan Congratulation! 

-[Award] @May 2022, Ju Hwan received a outstanding presentation award  (300,000won) in Spring meeting of 화학공학회 (Korean Institute of Chemical Engineering). Congratulation!

-[Award] @March and May 2022, Ju Hwan received a 김문순 Scholarship (5,000,000won) at the both Spring and Fall semesters of 2022. 

-[Achievement] @May 2022, advanced gelation and dedoping method for fibrillary organic electrochemical transistors and their circuit is presented in npj Flexible Electronics. Young Jin and Soo Young Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @May 2022, Review and perspective for photo pharmaceutical device systems including LED and the other light delivery devices was published in Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. Ju Seung Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @May 2022, Unconventional bandpass filter inspired by spider's cuticular pad is demonstrated. It was published in Science. Dr. Byeonghak Park Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Apr 2022, Ju Hwan received an outstanding presentation award (우수논문발표상, Galaxytab) in 7th SKKU-HUST graduate student symposium . Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Apr 2022, Ju Seung received the best presentation award (최우수논문발표상, 100,000 won) in Spring meeting of 고분자학회 (The polymer society of Korea). Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Apr 2022, Ju Hwan received an outstanding presentation award (우수논문발표상, 100,000 won) in Spring meeting of 마이크로전자 및 패키징 학회 (KMEPS). Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @March 2022, Soft cranial window for brain imaging, Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)-philic, Biocompatibility-Enhanced Soft Cranial Window for Long Term in vivo Brain Imaging collabroated with Prof. Suh was published in ACS Appl Mater Interface. Dr. Jong Uk Kim Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Feb 2022, Ju Hwan received an Presentation Award (2,000,000 won) in Samsung Human Tech paper award. Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Oct 2021, Ju Hwan received an Excellent SKKU Graduate Research Award (4,000,000 won) from SKKU. Congratulation! 

-[Award] @Oct 2021, Young kyu received a Chugang Scholarship ($3000) at the Fall semester of 2021. 

-[Achievement] @Nov 2020, Non-yellowish and heat-resistant adhesive for a transparent heat sinking film was published in J. Ind. Eng. Chem. Hye Won Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Sep 2021, international collaboration work with Prof. Michael Dickey (NC State Univ.) and Dr. Vi Khanh Truong for liquid metal based metal particles and their antiviral characteristics was published in Adv. Mater. Ki Yoon Congratulation! 

-[Press release] The antibacterial and antiviral filter using Ga-Cu alloy done by Kiyoon highlighted both Korean and USA presses.

-[Achievement] @July 2021, work for biodegradable random laser by controlling cracks on a silk film collaborated with Koc University (Prof. Nizamoglu in Turkey) was published in Adv. Funct. Mater. Chanho Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Apr 2021, anisotropic Poisson ratio substrate (APS) was presented for enhanced sensitivity of crack based pressure sensor. It was published in J Mater Chem C. Dr. Park Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Jan 2021, work for a flexible neural probe using patternable polysiloxane materials was published in J. Micromech. Microeng. Woojin Congratulation! 

-[Award] Young kyu received a Chugang Scholarship ($3000) on Spring semester of 2021. 

-[Achievement] @Nov 2020, a review of recent accomplishments of Squaraine Dyes for biomedical imaging is presented by collaboration with HUST, China. The work is published in Advanced Functional Materials. Youngjin Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Mar 2021, work for stretchable heat dissipation layer using porous PDMS and assembly of nanomaterials was published in Nano Res. Seungji Congratulation! 

-[Award] Chanho got an excellent poster award at the 2020 MRS fall meeting. Congratulation!

-[Award] Young kyu received a Chugang Scholarship ($3000) at Fall semester of 2020. 

-[Announcement] Congratulations to Dr. Kiyoon Kwon for his PhD defense. Congratulation! Dr. Kwon

-[Achievement] @Aug 2020, surface modification of liquid metal collaborated with Prof. Dickey (NCSU) was summarized in Advanced Intelligent Systems which is a new high profile journal in Wiley. Kiyoon Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Aug 2020, nanoturf membrane for an advanced solar steam generator is presented. The work is published in Advanced Functional Materials. Jong Uk Congratulation! 

-[Award] Chanho Jeong received a Hei Myung Research Award ($1,000) from KIChe 2019 fall meeting. Congratulation!

-[Award] Chanho Jeong receives NRF graduate student fellowship ($18,000/yr) for 2 years. Congratulation!

-[Achievement] @May 2020, Juseung's work was highlighted by lots of press! 

-[Achievement] @Mar 2020, work for nanoscale dewetting based an anisotropic conductive material is published in Advanced Materials (IF 25.890). Ju Seung Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Jan 2020, review paper for Injectable electronics for body organs was published in Advanced Materials (IF 25.890). Yeihwan Congratulation! 


-[Announcement] Congratulations to Dr. Byeonghak Park for his PhD defense. 

-[Achievement] @Dec 2019, Biodegradable organic transistor work was published in Advanced Functional Materials (IF 15.621). It was nominated as a front cover in the special issue for "Bioelectronics". Youngjin and Heyn Congratulations! 

-[Award] Seungji awarded a Chugang Scholarship ($6000) at Oct 18, 2019 and Mar 31 2020.

-[Award] Haeleen received an outstanding poster presentation award (200,000 won) in a KIChE 2019 fall meeting. (19.10.23-10.25) Congratulation!

-[Award] Byeonghak and Chanho received an outstanding presentation award ($100) and poster award ($30), respectively, in a 2019 fall meeting in Polymer Society of Korea. (19.10.9-10.11) Congratulation!

-[Achievement] @July 2019, Thermochromics on nanoscale crack based sensors were presented. It is potentially useful in strain-visualization. The work was published in Advanced Functional Materials (IF 13.325). Byeonghak Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Jun 2019, Controllable sensing configuration done by conductive elastomeric pattern deformation based pressure-sensor was published in Advanced Materials (IF 21.950). Chanho Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @Jun 2019, Stretchable heat dissipation layer integrated with boron nitride (BN) nanomaterials was accepted in Advanced Functional Materials (IF 13.325). Haeleen Congratulation! 

-[Achievement] @May 2019, Stretchable nanoscale crack based sensor was accepted in Advanced Healthcare Materials (IF 5.609).  Kiyoon and Yiel Jae Congratulations!  

-[Achievement] @Apr 2019, Randomly stooped nanohairs work was accepted in Macromolecular Research.  Woojin Congratulation!  

-[Achievement] @Jan 2019, Sung Hyuk's work is released in press. [YTN new], [중앙일보], [연합뉴스], etc.

-[Achievement] @Nov 2018, Adrenal gland-injectable electrode for stress model was accepted in Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA (IF9.661). Former graduate student, Sung Hyuk Congratulations!  

-[Achievement] @Jan 2019, Collaborated work with Prof. Hoon eui Jeong's group (UNIST) has been highlighted in inside cover at journal of Small. 


-[Award] Jong Uk Kim receives an outstanding presentation award ($100) in a 2018 fall meeting in Korean Ceramic Society. (18.11.14-16) Congratulation!

-[Achievement] @Oct 2018, Gelatin based OECT and its integrated circuits were accepted in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces. (IF8.097). Young Jin, Congratulation! It is also highlighted as a front coverart. 

-[Achievement] Drug releasable esophageal stent based on new bioimplantable interface; nanoturf sturctures has been published in ACS Nano (IF13.942). Sori, Congratulation!

The work is highlighted in a couple of press. 

[연합일보] [메일경제][서울신문] etc. 

-[Achievement] Bio dissolvable material, polysaccharide levan was demonstrated as new transient electronics.  This work has been published in Small (IF8.643). Kiyoon, Congratulation!

-[Achievement] Collaborated work with Prof. Hoon eui Jeong's group (UNIST) has been highlighted in inside cover at Adv. Funct. Mater.

-[Award] Chanho Jeong receives an outstanding presentation award in a 2018 spring meeting Polymer Conference. (18.4.4-4.6) Congratulation!

-[Achievement] Highly durable nanoscale crack based sensor using self healing polymer work has been published in Nanoscale (IF7.36). Byeonghak Park, Congratulation!

-[Award] 3rd winner in a IBS science art competition at 2017. The title is "Cell flower blooming on the nanograss".

-[Award] Sung Hyuk Sunwoo received an Humantech Paper Award ($2,000) in a department of Bioengineering & life science (2018). Congratulation!


-[Award] @Dec 2017 Jong Uk Kim receives an "Global Ph.D Fellowship poster presentation award" in Korean Global PhD Fellows (KGPF) Conference held in Busan (2017, 12 14-15) Congratulation!

-[Award] Jong Uk Kim receives an outstanding presentation award in a 3rd HUST-SKKU bilateral graduate student workshop. (17.11.9-11) Congratulation!

-[Award] Sori Lee receives a Hei  Myung Research Award ($1,000) from KIChe 2017 Fall meeting. (17.10.27) Congratulation!

-[Award] Chanho Jeong received an outstanding presentation award ($270) in a KIChe Fall meeting 2017. (17.10.27) Congratulation!

-[Award] Byeonghak Park receives a Global PhD Fellowship (GPF) grant ($32,000/yr)) from Korea Government for 3 years. Congratulation!

-[Achievement] Anisotropic migration of cells on directionally stooped nanohairs work has been presented by Chanho Jeong. Published in Nanoscale (IF7.36) It was highlighted as an inside coverart in an issue of Dec 2017. 

Graphical abstract: Inside front cover

-[Achievement] Anisotropic thermal conduction with nanomaterials as a form for nanocomposite summarized by Haeleen Hong was published in Polymers (IF3.36). Congratulation!!

-[Achievement] Temperature controllable molds for fabrication of hierarchical nano-structures done by Jong Uk Kim have been published in Advanced Functional Materials (IF12.124) It was highlighted as an inside coverart in issue of Oct. 

-[Achievement] New materials for low pressure-nanoimprint lithography has been published in Nanotechnology (IF 3.440) 

-[Award] Ki Yoon Kwon received an excellent presentation award in 2017 BioChip spring meeting. Congratulation!

-[Award] Ju Seung Lee received an outstanding presentation award ($450) in in KIChe Spring meeting 2017. Congratulation!

-[Highlight] MSE lab. is highlighted as a research story in SKKU web page.

-[Award] Dr. Tae-il Kim received a SKKU Young Fellowship award from Sungkyunkwan University. (2017.2.21) 

-[Award] Ki Yoon Kwon received a Bronze Medal ($5,000) in 23rd Samsung Human Tech Paper Award (2017). Congratulation!

-[Achievement] Wet processable electrode by layer-by-layer assembly has been published in Advanced Functional Materials (IF11.382) 

-[Award] Byeonghak Park was awarded by GYSS@one-north (Global Young Scientists Summit 2017) in Singapore.

(travel grant approximately $2,500 supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore) It brings together many young scientists for five days of learning and mentoring with some Nobel Laureates. Congratulation!

-[Award] Ki Yoon Kwon receives a Hei  Myung Research Award ($1,000) from KIChe Conference in 2016 Fall meeting. Congratulation!


-[Award] Woo Jin Jung received a presentation award in 12th Korea-Japan Joint Symposium on Materials and Interfaces held in Kotenba, Japan. 

-[Achievement] Dramatically enhanced sensitivity of nanoscale sensor work by Beonghak Park and Jisun Kim is published in Advanced Materials (IF18.9) and highlighted as a Very Important Paper on issue 37. It also has been highlighted as a inside cover. 

-[Achievement] Invited review, "Towards Sub-10 nm and High Aspect Ratio Nanopatterning; Design and Process for Nanolithography and Their Applications" by Sori Lee is published in Nanotechnology. (IF 3.57)

-[Award] Jong-Uk Kim receives a Global PhD Fellowship (GPF) grant ($32,000/yr)) from Korea Government for 5 years. Congratulation!

-[Award] Jong-Uk Kim receives 22nd Samsung Human Tech Bronze Award ($5,000) from Samsung Electronics (2016). Congratulation!

-[Award] Jong-Uk Kim receivesand Hei  Myung Research Award ($1,000) from KIChe. Congratulation!

-[Award] Byeonghak Park took an award in "2nd SKKU-HUST Bilateral Graduate Student Workshop on Sep 22th 2016. 

-[Achievement] Invited review, "Progress, Design and Materials for Unidirectionally Tilted Polymeric Micro/nanohairs and Their Applications" by Hyeon Sung Im is published in Polymers. (IF 2.9)

-[Press Release] Dramatically enhanced sensitivity of nanoscale sensor was highlighted in several domestic news papers. 

대학저널, 연합뉴스, 이데일리 등


-[Achievement] Permeability and surface energy controllable nanoscale mold work by Dr. Suh is accepted in ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces (IF6.7). 

-Invited review, "Recent Advances in Unconventional Lithography for Challenging 3D Hierarchical Structures and Their Applications" by Jong Uk Kim was published in Journal of Nanomaterials. (IF 1.644)

-Ultra-Robust and Transparent Conductive Electrodes work done by Hyejin Jang was published in Current Applied Physics. (IF 2.06)

-Highly robust gecko-like dry adhesive work by Hyeon Sung Im et al. is published in Nanotechnology (IF3.81).

-3D shape controllable graphene work is accepted in ACS Appl Mater Interf (IF5.900).

-Water soluble TFTs work is accepted in ACS Appl Mater Interf (IF5.90)

-Prof. Kim introduced Department of Chemical Engineering and Biomedical Engineering in SKKU.


-(Dec 2014)

-Spider sensor is highlighted in Nature cover. 

-Cell in vol 160 (issue number 3, Jan 29, 2015) featured the spider sensor work as a "Buliding a Superhero".

-New strategy for biomimetics is presented in Nature.

 Spider inspired nanoscale cracks are able to detect vibration and pressure. The work is presented in MBC, KBS news and international press.

-Department of Biomedical Engineering in SKKU has been established.|article|default

-(June 2014)

-New adhesive material for flexible electronics has been published in Chemistry of Materials (IF 8.24) and featured as a front cover in vol. 25.


-(Dec 2013)

-Prof Kim has been selected in "2013 네이쳐, 사이언스가 주목한 국내 과학 연구 Best 10".

-(Nov 2013)

-Prof Kim has been featured on THE (Times Higher Education) magazine from England.


"Injectable electronics" has been selected as a front cover in volume 9th of Nature Protocols. 


-(Sep 2013)

"Immunologic and tissue biocompatibility of flexible/stretchable electronics and optoelectronics" has been highlighted by on Sep 6, 2013.


-(June 2013)

"Injectable tiny optoelectronics for brain control' has been selected on new techniques for probing cells and tissues to appear in the June 20th issue of Cell

"Optogenetics goes wireless" has been highlighted in Nature Materials.

-(Apr 2013)

"Injectable tiny optoelectronics for brain control' was highlighted in issue 11 of Science.




"Injectable tiny optoelectronics for brain control' was features on many web news and media (KBS 9시 뉴스 (2013. 4. 12), YTN, MBC etc..) [관련뉴스 동영상보기]



-(Sep 2012)

"Wireless LED" was seleted as a inside cover on Small


-(Aug 2012)

"Electronic sensor rivals sensitivity of human skin" was featured on

-"Next Generation: Ciliated Sensor" was featured on

-"Hairy solution to making sensitive artificial skin" was featured on and



-(Jun 2012)

"Printed micro GaN LEDs" was seleted as a inside cover on Small.


-(Apr 2012)

"Printed micro ILEDs" was invited as break throughs in photonics 2011

-(Apr 2012)

 "Printed micro ILEDs" was seleted as a cover on IEEE Photonics J


-(Apr 2012)

"Bio-inspired reversiblely interlocking device" was highlighted on Lab on a Chip



-(Jan 2012)

"Beetle-Mimetic Velcro?" was featured on


-(Jan 2012)

"Bioinspired reversible interlocker" Front Cover Image, Adv Mater


-(Jan~Aug 2012)

 "Epidermal Electronics" was featured on the news (,,, MIT technical review. etc)

Epidermal Electronics Highlighted in an Annual Review of Scientific Advances for 2011

La Recherche, January 2012.

 Electronic Skin” Science News for Kids, January 18, 2012.

 “An Electronic Second SkinPerspectives article on epidermal electroncs, written by Prof. Z. Ma for Science, August 12, 2011.

 Paper on Epidermal Electronics, published in Science, is featured in >1000 articles, podcasts and videos. A few representative examples appear below.

August, 2011.

Electronic SkinChemical and Engineering News, August 22, 2011.

Ce Patch Est Un Epiderme ElectroniqueScience et Vie, October 2011.

Electronic TattoosPhysics Central; American Physical Society, October 2011.

'Electronic skin' could replace bulky electrodesNature News, August 12, 2011.

'Electronic Skin' Grafts Gadgets to BodyScienceNOW, August 12, 2011.

Stick-On Electronic TattoosMITs Technology Review Magazine, August 12, 2011.

Skinlike Electronic Patch Takes Pulse, Promises New Human- Machine IntegrationScientific American, August 12, 2011.

Electronic tattoo 'could revolutionise patient monitoring'BBC, August 12, 2011.

'Epidermal Electronics' Paste Peelable Circuitry On Your Skin, Just Like A Temporary TattooPopular Science, August 12, 2011.

Electronic Sensors That Stick to Your Skin Like Temporary TattoosPopular Mechanics, August 12, 2011.

Stick-On Patch Proposed For Patient MonitoringNPR, August 12, 2011.

Electronic Tattoo Grafts Gadgets to SkinDiscovery News, August 12, 2011. 

Temporary tattoo to give you the sporting edgeChemistry World, March 27 2012.

Paulie Harraka Temporary Tattoo For A Sporting EdgeNASCAR Race Mom, March 27 2012.

High-tech patch could hit the high-speed trackToronto Sun, March 27 2012.

Tattoo Medical MonitorsDaily Health News, March 2012.

Epidermal electronics tattoos a big step forward for cyborgsThe Telegraph, March 2012.

New 'Electronic Skin' Patches Monitor Health WirelesslyScience Daily, March 2012.

Electronic Tattoo Monitors Brain, Heart and MusclesScience Nation, National Science Foundation, February 2012.


- (Aug 2011)

"Flexible Electronics-New Devices on Nearly Any Type of Substrate" was featured on


- (Aug2011)

"Electronic Devices on various substrate" Front cover image, Adv Func Mater




-(Apr 2010)

 "Slanted nanohairs and their applications" was invited on Soft Matter and seleted as one of the most accessed paper of Apr 2010 in Soft Matter. 



-(Nov 2009)

"Unidirectioanl wetting" Backside Cover Images, Soft Matter


- (Oct 2009)

"Janus nanohairs" Front Cover Image, Nano Today



-(Jul 2009)

"Unidirectional wetting and spreading on stooped nanohairs (Soft Matter)" was featured on Virtual Jouranls in Science & Technology.


-(Jun 2009)

"Gecko like polymeric stooped nanohairs" Inside Cover Image, Advanced Materials


-(Jun 4, 2009)

Rigiflex mould truns out metallic nanopatterns was Featured on and



-(Dec 2008)

"Flexible Polymer Transistors 'Printed' Using UV" was Featured on 

 -(Feb 2008)

Transfer Printing  was featured on

 -(Aug 2008)

"Gold Nanocones prove a point" was Featured on


- (Oct 2006)

"Residue free nanofilling with wetting solutions (Appl Plys Lett)" was featured on Virtual Jouranls in Science & Technology